Memory N°2

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Adrien made his way through the night, noticing the details revealed by the light of the streetlamps. Despite the darkness, he found something soothing in the nocturnal atmosphere. The streets seemed calmer, less hectic than in daylight. The sounds of the city were muffled, replaced by the soft murmur of wind in the trees and the gentle rattling of leaves.

The streetlamps projected halos of golden light onto the asphalt, creating dancing shadows along the walls. The reflections of the lights in the windows of the houses gave the street a warm aura despite the coolness of the night. Stars twinkled timidly in the dark sky, adding a touch of magic to the whole.

Adrien breathed deeply, enjoying the stillness of the night. He loved the way the streets seemed to belong to him, as if they'd been emptied of all commotion to allow him to wander freely. Even if the night could sometimes be frightening, he found something reassuring in this peaceful solitude.

Adrien stopped in front of the school gates, obviously closed at this time of night. He sighed, realizing that there was no one there to open the door for him. He'd have to climb over the fence if he wanted to get his bike back. And he absolutely needed his bike to get home, as he lived a good two hours' walk from this town.

He scanned his surroundings for a way through the gates. He noticed a tree a few meters away, whose branches seemed close enough for him to reach them. Figuring this was his best option, he headed for the tree.

Once below, he assessed the distance to the first branch. It wasn't very high, but he wasn't sure he'd be able to climb it easily. He concentrated, ready to make the leap.

Gaining momentum, he leapt up, grabbing whatever branches he could reach. He pulled himself up with all his might, feeling the rough bark of the tree beneath his hands. After some effort, he finally managed to pull himself up onto the first branch.

From there, he made his way through the branches, skilfully weaving his way until he reached a position where he could leap over the gate. With one last look around to make sure he wasn't spotted, he took a deep breath and launched himself.

He landed on the other side of the gate with a slight thud, but managed to keep his balance and then headed back to where he'd left his bike, relieved to have found it intact.

Just as Adrien was about to unhitch his bike, a slight noise from the high school drew his attention. It sounded as if someone had been thrown against a wall.

He stopped abruptly, his heart pounding in his chest, and strained his ears, listening for the slightest noise. A slight shiver ran down his spine as he discerned a faint murmur coming from the high school.

He froze, then glanced around to make sure he wasn't visible from inside the school or from the street.

He listened with intense concentration. The slight noise repeated itself, a muffled sound, as if someone had been thrown against a wall. Adrien held his breath, his mind racing. What could be going on inside the school at such an hour?


A few hours earlier, in front of the school, as the blue sky gave way to that of a moonless night...

Two hooded teenagers stood silently in front of the school gates.

Their silhouettes stood out clearly in the dawning gloom, clad in dark uniforms whose logos remained indecipherable in the growing darkness.

On their right hands, abysmal black rings caught the light faintly, revealing an inner ring studded with strange stones, shining like the stars of the universe.

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