Chapter 1 - Our Every Moment, I Start To Replace

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Author's Note: Basically, in which their escape goes badly because all of not-Hunter's plans go badly. :')

~ Rivana Rita

They were supposed to go back to get Crosshair, except Crosshair himself shows up in the hangar, and that's the minute everything goes Mustafarian hellfire level explosive.

Ending with Hunter's knife through Crosshair's sparking rifle in the middle of the hangar floor, because his little brother tried to shoot him, and Hunter kneeling in the middle of the floor, panting, Crosshair's hand tangled into his curls.

And Hunter is so going to punch him for that.

Crosshair got him because he's using their forbidden abilities – stars what is he thinking they're not allowed to do that. That's the one thing even they aren't allowed. But here they are.

Crosshair used them in a hangar full of regs, right after going on a rant-speech about how they're not following orders, because that's important to him, apparently.

So, yeah. That's how Hunter ended up back in a holding cell, with way too many guards to risk another escape. The wall hole is re-covered, but the grate from when Omega fell through is still out. It would have worked. Could have. They got all the way out, but none of them could have accounted for Crosshair turning on them.

He's sitting on the floor, leaning up against the bench, mind running over the million and one ways this could go down. The Empire could do anything to him now. He can't try escaping until he knows he'll make it out, and that won't be now.

He has to wait indefinitely. In this stupid tiny cell, right back where he started, and Hunter has to wait until he knows he'll make it out to try.

He has no idea if his brothers are going to be fine. Doesn't know what happened to Crosshair. Why he turned on them. He doesn't even know where Crosshair is, or where his brothers are headed, because they never had time to figure it out.

They're going to come back for him, no doubt, even if he told them not to.

He told them to go. Tech might listen, but...

He doesn't really know.

They took him to the medbay after his capture. He doesn't know how long he'd been there. The droid sedated him, and he knows Crosshair was still there. He feels fine now though, so whatever they did must have been some kind of rough check over. The regs took him back to the cell right after he woke.

He counts the minutes as he waits. Counts to about an hour before the door finally slides open and Crosshair walks in.

Hunter straightens, eyes narrowing.

Crosshair shot Wrecker. Just over an hour ago. He shot his twin brother for genuinely no reason, and he tried to kill them.

Crosshair nods to the guards, and they leave like this was something preplanned.

There are a million things Hunter can say to him. He doesn't. He just watches, eyes narrowed, jaw clenched.

Crosshair pulls the lever down to turn the ray shield off.

Hunter bites back a snarky comment about if he's coming to rescue him, he's way too late. It hurts to see him in this armor, and he's angry. They came so far. They were so close to getting out, and if they hadn't been on their way back in for Crosshair, Wrecker wouldn't've been hurt and Hunter wouldn't've been captured.

He still smells of something gently smoky-foggy. Still carries himself the same, even if his armor is dark and dead and wrong. This isn't Crosshair.

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