Secrets of the silver moon

50 6 69

Salem Irvine
"She is like a flower, beautiful but deadly"

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He pulls me into the carriage and shuts the door behind himself,

"Take a seat, please" He gestures to the plush leather seat in front of him as he sits down on the other side,

"Okay, what is this?" I let out an uneasy laugh

"Just sit down first" he looks entirely unbothered but tired at the same time, I do as he says and lower myself into the seat opposite him,

"My father, the king, has requested for me to give you this," he pulls a letter out from his pocket,

What the hell does the king want from me?

"Wh- what could the king possibly want from me to write a whole letter?"

"My question is exactly the same, but here, open it" he hands me the letter,

The parchment is thick and cream-colored, its edges slightly frayed, hinting at its handmade origins. The texture of the paper is almost velvety to the touch, imbued with the faintest scent of lavender, a mark of the royal scribe's meticulous care. The ink is a deep, rich black, still slightly glossy in places where the quill pressed with urgency.

At the top of the letter, the royal crest of Amethysta is embossed in gold leaf, glimmering under the flickering candlelight. It depicts a majestic lion, rearing on its hind legs, surrounded by an ornate border of intertwined vines and flowers, symbolizing both the strength and the beauty of the kingdom.

The handwriting itself is elegant yet strong, each letter formed with the precision of a skilled calligrapher. The King's penmanship reveals his disciplined nature; the strokes are deliberate, conveying authority and clarity. Here and there, slight variations in the pressure of the quill hint at the king's changing emotions as he composed his thoughts—firmer lines when addressing matters of state, softer curves when speaking of his son.

The letter concludes, with the king's signature, an intricate blend of letters that ends with a bold, sweeping line. Below the signature, a small, carefully drawn lion's paw print, a personal touch symbolizing the king's direct lineage and commitment to his role as protector of the realm, every detail intriguing yet terrifying.

I carefully peeled off the wax seal,

Dear Salem Irvine,

I am writing this letter to inform you that while Prince Raphael of Amethysta is out on assignment, I have chosen you as one of the people I would like to accompany him on this journey.

You will be going with him to the Kingdom of Lethia, said assignment will not be explained in this letter as we do not need anyone gaining hints on what is going on, nothing to worry about though, I assure you, as you will be going with the Prince you will be heavily guarded.

You are to show this letter to your family, and as you will be away for quite some time, I have made a few arrangements for your family to be given some extra rations for the time being.

You will be picked up in two days time at exactly 10:30 am and brought to the castle where you will stay for 4 days before setting off to the Kingdom of Lethia.

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