Written secrets

24 1 14

Salem Irvine
"She is like a flower, beautiful but deadly"

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I walked slowly back to my room, Raphael's words still echoing in my mind. The castle seemed to react to my presence in ways that were both unnerving and intriguing. The idea that the place might be alive in some sense, watching and testing me, felt like a weight on my shoulders, yet it also sparked a strange sense of connection.

I turned down a quiet corridor, the thick stone walls dimly lit by flickering torches. The shadows seemed to dance, stretching and shifting as I passed by, almost as if they were alive. The feeling that the castle was observing me, evaluating my every move, grew stronger with each step.

As I reached my door, I hesitated. The conversation with Raphael had left me with more questions than answers. What was it about this place that felt so familiar yet so foreign? And why did I feel like there was something important I was missing, something just out of reach?

With a sigh, I pushed the door open and stepped into my room. It was as I had left it: spacious, elegant, and slightly overwhelming in its grandeur. The high ceilings and large windows gave the space an airy feel, but it still felt oppressive in a way I couldn't quite explain.

I moved to the window, looking out over the sprawling gardens below. The morning sun bathed the landscape in a warm glow, but my thoughts were far from the beauty outside. I couldn't shake the feeling that the castle was trying to communicate with me, that it held secrets I needed to uncover.

Raphael's warning played over in my mind: Don't let your curiosity lead you into danger. But how could I not be curious? The castle's pull was too strong, its mysteries too compelling. I knew I should be cautious, but something deep inside me pushed me to explore, to understand.

I spent a few moments lost in thought, my mind spinning with possibilities. Then, with a determined breath, I pulled herself away from the window. There was no point in standing around and worrying. If the castle had secrets, I would find them, but I would do so carefully.

I quickly changed into more comfortable clothes, swapping my training attire for a simple, dark tunic and pants. I laced up her boots and grabbed a small satchel, tucking it under my arm as I headed for the door. I didn't have a specific destination in mind, but I felt compelled to explore, to see where the castle would lead me.

The corridors were mostly empty as I wandered, the quietness amplifying the sound of my footsteps on the stone floor. Occasionally, I would pass a guard or a servant, but they paid me little attention, going about their duties with practiced efficiency. I wasn't sure where I was going, but I let my instincts guide me, taking turns down unfamiliar hallways and peeking into rooms that caught her interest.

Eventually, I found myself in a part of the castle I hadn't seen before. The air here was cooler, the walls closer together, creating a sense of intimacy that contrasted with the grand openness of the main halls. There were fewer windows, and the light was dimmer, filtered through thick curtains or small, high-set panes of glass.

As I walked, I noticed something unusual: the walls here were covered in tapestries, each one depicting scenes of battles, ancient rituals, and figures dressed in ornate robes. The colors were rich, the details intricate, and as I moved closer, I saw that each tapestry seemed to tell a story, though the exact meaning was elusive.

One tapestry in particular caught my eye. It showed a figure standing before a massive, dark doorway, the edges of the frame adorned with swirling patterns that seemed to move if I looked at them for too long. The figure was holding something—a book, maybe?—and there was a faint glow emanating from it, casting a soft light on the figure's face.

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