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Raphael Arsenio
"Nobody smart plays fair"

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I stormed down the castle corridor, the ancient book clutched tightly in my hand. The weight of it felt oppressive, like it was sinking deeper into my bones with every step I took. My mind was a whirlwind of anger, frustration, and something I wasn't ready to acknowledge—fear.

Salem had pushed me harder than anyone else had in a long time. She was stubborn, relentless, and far too willing to step into the darkness that I had spent years trying to navigate. That recklessness of hers—it scared me. Not just because it endangered her, but because it threatened to unravel everything I had worked so hard to keep under control.

I reached my room and shoved the door open, slamming it shut behind me with more force than necessary. The echo reverberated through the stone walls, but it did nothing to calm the storm raging inside me. I threw the book onto my desk, the impact causing a small cloud of dust to rise from its aged cover. The symbols etched into the leather glowed faintly, mocking me with their mysterious allure.

I stared at the book, my chest heaving with the effort of trying to calm my breathing. I couldn't let my emotions get the better of me—not now. There was too much at stake. I had spent my entire life preparing for this moment, for the day when the castle's secrets would begin to reveal themselves, and now that it was happening, I couldn't afford to lose his focus.

But Salem... she was a variable I hadn't anticipated. The way she spoke to me, with that fire in her eyes, as if she were challenging the very foundations I had built his life upon—it infuriated me. And yet, beneath the anger, there was something else, something that gnawed at me like a splinter lodged deep in my heart. A grudging respect.

She wasn't like the others who had come to the castle. She didn't cower in fear or tiptoe around the dangers lurking in the shadows. Instead, she faced them head-on, even when it was clear she had no idea what she was up against. That kind of courage—it was rare. And dangerous.

I ran a hand through my hair, tugging at the strands in frustration. I needed to get a grip. Salem wasn't my enemy, no matter how much she tried to provoke me. But she wasn't my ally either, at least not yet. She was a wildcard, and that made her unpredictable. If I wasn't careful, she could throw everything into chaos.

I walked over to the window, staring out at the sprawling grounds of the castle. The night was clear, the stars shining brightly above, but the beauty of it was lost on me. All I could think about was the growing threat that Salem posed—not just to the castle, but to me personally.

I knew that if I let her in, if I allowed myself to soften toward her, it would only lead to disaster. I had a responsibility to protect this place, to guard its secrets with my life if necessary. But how could I do that when Salem was so determined to break down every barrier I put up?

I turned away from the window, the cool night air doing little to cool the fire burning in my chest. My thoughts were a tangled mess, each one pulling me in a different direction. Part of me wanted to shut her out completely, to keep her at arm's length and prevent her from getting too close to the truth. But another part of me, a part I was reluctant to acknowledge, wanted to see where her defiance would lead.

I sat down heavily at my desk, my eyes locked on the book that had caused all this turmoil. I knew what was inside—knowledge that could change everything if it fell into the wrong hands. That was why I had to keep it away from Salem. She wasn't ready for what the book would reveal. Hell, I wasn't sure I was ready for it either.

But Salem was right about one thing. I couldn't control everything, no matter how hard I tried. The castle had its own will, its own way of revealing truths when it saw fit. And it had chosen her, whether I liked it or not.

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