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Cletus diligently worked on his picture as he sat in his bed. He tried his best to remember what Red had been wearing in class but in the end, he had to make up his own clothes. He was quite happy with the results. Once he had finished, he wondered if he could color it. It would look much better if it had some color to it and not just gray and white. Nah. He'd color it later. Right now he was just drawing sketches. He set that one aside and began to work on a new sheet of paper. He stared at the blank page, trying to imagine something up.

It wasn't long before he was drifting. He couldn't help but notice how Red had been so intrigued with his "secret" sketchbook. Did he know? Did he know about Cletus secretly liking him? Cletus squinted at the page, but all he could see was that one picture that kept popping in his head. Of him hiding his sketchbook from Red and Red leaning in towards him with a smug grin on his sexy face. Cletus would have laughed except the thought seemed good. Looking over at the wall, he squinted at it. He could use that. He began to draw, quick and easily. He didn't really feel like shading right now because his mind went elsewhere as he drew.

Red had been close . Like, only a few inches away. Cletus knew this was a weird thought, but he suddenly wanted to see what it would be like if Red had kissed him. I mean, it had seemed like he was going to before they were interrupted. Cletus began to draw the scene out in his head. He could draw this one and then do one of the exact same thing, except Red would be....y'know...kissing him. Cletus blushed at the thought. How would it even work? Symbiotes didn't really have lips. Just teeth and huge, long, wet tongues.

Oh. Oh, shit, no.

Cletus's eyes grew huge. Would Red kiss him with his tongue? Was that how it worked? Cletus didn't know but he wanted to find out. Until he did figure it out, he would just have to draw what he knew at this point. He couldn't help but feel a little warmer as he drew the scene. Of Red standing over him, and his hands were held behind his back clutching his sketchbook tightly. From this point of view, it looked like Cletus's hands were tied behind his back. The only thing that made it different was the sketchbook. Unable to stop himself, Cletus blushed harder. Fuck, did he have a kink of sorts?

Cletus made sure to add in every detail, careful and precise. He would color this one, too. Looking down at it, he was pleased with his result. There he was, trapped against the wall, fiercely hiding his sketchbook behind him, arms seemingly bound, while Red grinned smugly, amused and enjoying the moment clearly as his slender but attractive form leaned down towards him.

Fuck. Red was.... really sexy.

Cletus jumped as the door opened and watched as Red himself walked in. He carefully tried to hide his pictures without drawing attention to himself and flipped to a new paper.

"How was it?" he asked as he started to sketch something random.

"It was good," the red symbiote smiled warmly. "How was it here?"


"I see you're drawing some more," Red observed as he dropped his backpack on his bed. His smile broke into a teasing grin. "Can I see?"

"Uh...I'm not done yet," Cletus replied, heart pounding as Red nonchalantly stepped over.

"Oh, it's okay. I'll try to guess what it is," Red said as he began to observe the new sketch. "Hmm. It looks like a dog's head to me."

Cletus nodded. "It is. I just like drawing animals and stuff."

"Oh." Red looked at the sketch again. "Hmm. Looks like you got another picture behind this one."

The red head's heart jumped when Red's grin became somewhat teasing. "What?"

"Yeah. Right here." Red began to lift up the corner of the paper to peek under, but Cletus stopped him by shifting a little.

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