Chapter One

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Every couple of months, my parents spent the whole day with their children. It was to make up for them always being busy because of work. I looked forward to these days, unlike my siblings. On one particular night, my sister decided her time would be better spent at a party instead. I was upset by this, but understood non the less.

After dinner, we were in an intense came of monopoly. We were a competitive family, one would say. Especially my Auntie. If she lost, it was best to take cover.

Half way through the game, my parents got a call from my sister. She had just broken up with her boyfriend and wanted to come home.

I decided to go with my parents, so that I could comfort my twin. I knew she was thinking about going through with the break up, but she would still be hurt regardless. When we picked her up, she dived into my arms and sobbed.

I was so distracted with comforting her, I didn't realise we were driving off the bridge until it was too late. I felt the water slowly fill up the car. I felt my father's hand squeeze mine, and I felt all of the air gradually leave my body.

What I didn't feel, was my sister shaking my body. What I didn't feel was the metal from the seat in front cut my face. What I didn't feel was my body being lifted out of the water. The last thing I remembered seeing was my parents floating in the water. Eyes open, lifeless.

I gasped awake.

Another nightmare. Still haunted by the past. I survived, with my sister. My parents didn't make it. No one knew how myself and my sister survived. All we know was that it was a miracle. It has been four months. Four long months since that fateful day.

Although heartbroken with the loss, I am grateful for being here. I have been lucky enough to survive with only scars. One bizarre thing that happened though, was that my eye colour changed. Before the accident my eyes were an ocean blue, but after, my left eye was a beautiful hazel colour.

The doctors couldn't explain what had happened. Why it suddenly changed. I like to think it is a sign that I went through something, but came out stronger.

"Ana? Are you awake?". I whip my head around to the voice. Ah my brother. "Yeah. I'll be down shortly". He nods and leaves. School.


I slowly stretch before getting out of my comfort place. My bed. I had already picked my outfit, with help from my best friend, so it was rather easy to get ready. We decided it would be best to make an effort for the first day back.

I went with a turtle neck jumper, a black skirt, with tights and black boots.

I went with a turtle neck jumper, a black skirt, with tights and black boots

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For my hair, I left it down in my curls before heading to brush my teeth. Once I finished in the bathroom, I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

"Toast. I can make toast" I heard Auntie J say as I headed downstairs. "It's all about the coffee, Aunt/ Auntie Jenna" Me and Elena say at the same time. We look at each other and laugh, we haven't laughed together in a while.

Jeremy comes out of nowhere and asks if there is coffee, before taking Elena's cup out of her hand. I pass her mine with a smile knowing she needs it more than me.

Jenna lets out a sigh before talking "Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared. Lunch money?" She offers which Jeremy takes before me and Elena even get a chance to answer.

"Im good" we say before she starts panicking again. "Anything else?" Jenna asks while grabbing her purse "A number two pencil? What am I missing?"

"Don't you have that big presentation today?" I ask while making sure I have everything with me. "I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at-" she looks towards her watch before panic sets on her face as she realised how late she was "Now. Crap".

Jenna quickly takes her hair out of her bun, allowing her auburn curls to fall elegantly around her face before she grabbed the rest of her things.

"Then go" Elena says giving her a small smile. "We'll be fine." With that Jenna gives us all a quick hug before rushing out of the door.

We're all coping in different ways, Elena has taken to writing in her journal and pretending that she's fine. Jeremy had gone off the deep end, turning to drugs and alcohol. Where as I have thrown myself into my music. It is one of the things that has never let me down, and I wasn't about to let myself ruin everything I have achieved so far.

"You okay?" Elena looks towards Jer. I knew she was going to ask that the minute Jenna left. It's been a continuous pattern over the past few months. Jeremy mutters a 'don't start' before storming off.

I understand where he's coming from. I love her but she's been on our backs, and the poor boy can't get a break. "Come on El, Bonnie just said she's here". She gives me a sad smile before leaving the house.

The car was silent for the first couple minutes. I may be close to Bonnie Bennett but she's Elena's best friend. We tried to get closer but I found it difficult whenever she would take Elena's side no matter the situation. So because of that, I let my sister do the talking while I try to finish my song.

I started writing this before I lost my parents and have never been able to finish it. I just find that the words are no longer important as I thought they were at the time. "Stasia, you okay?" Bonnie turned round at the question and gave me a concerned look. I sigh, putting my notebook away and apologise.

"Sorry girls, I just can't finish this song for the life of me. You know I hate unfinished songs". They nod, yet don't look convinced before going back to talking. When I finally start listening to the conversation, something hits the car windshield and caused us all to gasp as Bonnie swerved slightly.

Abruptly stopping the car on the side of the road, as we all start to calm down. "Oh, my god! Elena, are you okay?" She looks towards my sister who is just staring out the wheel. "Are you okay, Ana?"

I took a few seconds to calm down before responding. "Yeah, I'm good. I'm just going to walk the rest of the way if thats alright?" They both turn to me, pity all over their faces.

Before they can respond I grab by bag and journal before heading out. What a great way to start the school year. Go me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03 ⏰

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