"Uh.. Nevermind."

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(Just a warning i will do TW and other.. warnings? at the top of each page! Please enjoy.)
TW: swearing (does that count?)

It was an average day, it always is. I was walking to the choir room by myself at first. Then, Ricky came along. We.. Or.. I for better words was talking with him. He doesn't say much... well he doesn't say anything... But he's a damn good listener thats for sure.
We both made it to the choir room and i took my seat. On my left was Penny, and on my right.. Was Mischa, now i've liked him for awhile. But he already has a special someone. What a shame..

"Hey, Noel?" Said Mischa.
SHIT.. I was staring at him again! I really didn't mean to.. I just spaced out.
"Uhm.. Yeah what's up?"
Did i really need to add that extra 'Uhm'?
"Why are you staring at me?"
FUCKK.. What do i say??? Think...
"Sorry, just spaced out you know?"
Great job Noel... TMI.
"Yeah... Actually theres something i wanted to talk to you about." Mischa sounded a bit nervous.
What did he want from me?
"What is it?"
"...Uh, never mind. Sorry."
"Okay i guess-"
"TESTING-TESTING!!...Oh good it works.."
I didn't think Ocean could get anymore annoying..
"Good evening, now im gonna just get straight to the point. Im making a choir group chat and-" Ocean was interrupted.
"COUNT ME OUT! Im not dealing with all those notifications..." Said Noel. "Noel.. You WILL be in this group chat, anyone who doesn't wanna be in it will be kicked from the choir. Communication is extremely important!" Said Ocean. She then opened her phone and added us all to a stupid chat thing named 'Choir Group✨'.

O: Hey!
C: Hi
N: i want out.
M: awesome
P: gay asses
R: meow

"Ricky.. Why the fuck did you type meow on your telephone.." Mischa said. Ricky just shurged.. To the best of his ability.

(And thats a wrap, i'll probably make the second part tomorrow.. Im going to bed y'all.. Hope you enjoyed!)

NISCHA!! :DWhere stories live. Discover now