5. My Doppelganger

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Veneer POV:


The ride starts, the swings slowly rocking back and forth as the speed begins to pick up. I stare out into the carnival, searching for the girls. Eventually, it becomes useless to try, as the ride's final speed is too fast. I close my eyes, scared from the height.

I feel Kid Ritz take my hand, a small smile crossing my lips. The ride eventually slows, getting me to open my eyes. As we're about to land, my heart drops as I see Midori standing in front of the attendants.

I don't know if she can see them; the redhead towers over her as the Ferris wheel attendant smiles from peeking behind her shoulder. I stare wide-eyed, panicking as the ride takes one more spin. I grip Kid Ritz's hand tightly, shaking.

Kid Ritz: "You ok?"

Ven: "They were behind Midori."

I see his jaw tighten, his eyes looking past me concerned. The ride stops, and Kid Ritz practically jumps from his seat and runs towards the front.

I understand his panic for Midori; she seems super sweet. I go to pull the lap bar over my head, yet stop as, when I raise the bar, the legs of the redhead appear with the movement of the bar.

I hold the heavy lap bar under my chin, terrified to lift it. They appeared behind Midori as a distraction to get Kid Ritz away from me.

I see out the corner of my eye to the right of me the legs of the Ferris wheel attendant. I sense as he bends down, his cold breath gliding across my cheek.

I can see the red glow from his eyes, the outline shining on the ride's base to my left.

They've got me trapped.

Kid Ritz: "Veneer!"

I hear him call me, yet I can't move. I raise the bar as high as I can, watching as the redhead bends down in front of me.

His smile... holy fuck-

I feel as the lap bar is taken from my hand. I blink, seeing Kid Ritz standing in front of me.

I look to my right, not seeing the Ferris wheel attendant beside me.

Kid Ritz: "You're crying."

I stand slowly, looking into his eyes sadly.

Kid Ritz: "I shouldn't have left you. The attendants weren't near Midori. I found you sitting here. Oh, Ven, your arm is shaking. I'm so sorry."

He wipes my tears away before he puts his hand on my right hip, holding me protectively as we leave the ride.

I let him take me to the table we sat at earlier, yet I sit next to him instead of in front. I lean my head on his shoulder as he rubs my side gently with his thumb.

Ven: "They were right next to me. The redhead was in front of me, smiling. The Ferris wheel attendant was to my right. They appeared as I lifted the bar. Their smiles... they're... terrifying."

Kid Ritz: "I'm so sorry, Veneer. I don't know why they're targeting you. Maybe... I shouldn't have worked here. I feel like I just put everyone at risk."

Ven: "I can see how much you like working here. Whatever we're facing is beyond our control. When we leave tomorrow, the next location may be better."

Kid Ritz: "We?"

Ven: "I can't leave here now, not if I'm cursed. Plus... I like being here... with you. You make me feel safe and happy. I... I really like you. I know that's so forward, but... it's how I feel."

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