Day 6 Til Death Do Us Part

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Keigo couldn't stop crying as he hid in the closet. He knew that this time he had fucked up, this wasn't like their normal fights. Sure they had their disagreements from time to time, but he had never seen that look of hurt in Touya's eyes before. He had to have noticed the changes in Keigo the last few months, but in that moment when everything finally clicked together. Keigo could see the moment that his heart broke. 

He tried to tell himself that it wasn't his fault. He hadn't asked to be in the accident. The accident wasn't even his fault, a drunk driver had slammed into him. He had nearly died, and it had nearly broken his husband. What was the point in hurting him even more? But he knew that it was his fault. He had lied to him. He never told him what happened, and he had every right to know. 

Touya had been so happy when he had found the ultrasound, he even apologized for finding it and ruining the surprise. In that moment, Keigo wished more than anything that he could have gone back in time. If he hadn't stayed late at work that day, if he had just taken the long way home. Anything he could have done to avoid that accident. 

But their baby was already gone. At the time, Keigo had thought it would have been cruel to tell Touya. He would have just been passing his grief onto him, forcing him to be in the same pain that he was. Now Touya had to deal with that pain anyways, and knowing that his omega had lied to him about it. 

He pushed himself back against the wall, trying to disappear into their clothes. Touya's scent overwhelmed him, normally so comforting, it now just filled him with dread. He had stormed out of the house, insisting that he be left alone. 

Keigo would do anything not to be alone in this moment. Anything at all just to be able to curl up into his alpha's arms.


It felt as though there was a ton of bricks sitting on Touya's chest. He had never given much thought to the idea of children. They had always talked about it as some long distant far off thing, something for them to worry about years in the future. Seeing that ultrasound changed everything for him in that moment. Nothing could have made him happier than holding a little baby in his arms.

He'd wandered around the streets for hours, ignoring the cold. His heart felt like it had broken a million times. Every second the ache came back with a vengeance. The last time he had felt this way, his husband had been laying in a hospital bed, fighting for his life. He had been utterly helpless. Absolutely destroyed. That damn car, twice now it had taken everything from him. 

How could Keigo ever forgive him now? He had blamed him. His hurt and anger at the world had built up so much inside of him, and he had turned it all onto Keigo. The accident, the miscarriage, all of it. And now he hated himself for it. 

Keigo had always been the kindest and sweetest person that Touya had ever met. From the moment that he laid eyes on him, he knew that they were made for each other. He was hurting this whole time, and Touya hadn't even realized. He had done so much to hide the pain he was in, just for Touya's sake. And he had thrown that back in his face. 

He wanted nothing more than to go home, to apologize. He wanted to hold his omega, to make everything better. He couldn't just turn around and go home now. Not after the things that he'd said. 

He was being stupid, he knew it. Keigo was hurting, he couldn't just stay away. He turned on his heels, running back to the house. His lungs burning as they fought for every freezing breath. Before anything else, his priority was Keigo. He had to prove that to him. 


Keigo may have gone a little bit overboard. Touya's scent was just too much, and he couldn't take it anymore. He had only thrown a couple of shirts out of the window before he thought better of it. Now they were just thrown in a pile in the corner of the room. Expect for the ones that were still stuck in the tree branches of course. If Touya was going to leave him over this, then he didn't deserve Keigo anyways. 

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