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         Midsummers. It is the most important day of the year to the kooks. I went last year and had a decently good time. I like to get all dressed up and just have fun. Ward and Rose don't mind if I drink because i'm "Rafe's responsibility" not theirs. We were about to walk into the club. I thought it was weird how we had to "make an entrance". Ward and Rose looked like the king and queen of the kooks, and now here was Rafe and I like the damn prince and princess. Rich people do weird things when they have money I guess.

         Sarah didn't want to be there, and you could tell just by looking at her face. I overheard her in the kitchen talking about breaking up with Topper. I'm not stupid. I know she has a thing with John b. As we were about to enter, Rafe grabbed my hand. He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb which he does when he's nervous. I don't know if this was for reassurance or because he wanted to look good.  When we walked in, people started clapping which was also quite strange to me.
           "Would you like a drink?" Rafe looked down at me and smiled. I could smell the hint of cologne on his blue jacket. It was just so comforting to me, and I wanted that to last forever. I wore a tight light blue dress that lay just above my knees, and a white flower crown to match. Rafe and I were matching perfectly just like all the other couples.
           "Yes please" He smirked letting go of my hand, and walking away to get my drink. I decided to do a quick lap. My eyes immediately fell on Sarah and Topper. Topper looked upset, and Sarah was clearly hiding something. Topper had this crazy look in his eyes like he was about to burst out, but Sarah stood there avoiding eye contact trying to stay as nonchalant as possible. I stood a good distance away, and watched the two of them. I could hear faint sounds of Topper asking if she was with a guy. She was of course with my brother doing god knows what. I took this as my chance to step in.

          "Hey Sarah, I think my earring fell out somewhere over there. Could you help me find it?" I locked my arm with hers as she nodded and we walked off. I could see Topper rolling his eyes. I've never seen him so tensed up.

           "So, can we talk about the fact that you are totally macking my brother" Sarah's mouth dropped and she immediately covered it.

           "Wh- I- No! I'm not. I'm with Topper." She struggled to find her words.

           "Relax, Sarah. I'm not going to tell anyone. Especially not Topper. He's a dick head." I put my hand on her shoulder for some reassurance.

            "Okay fine. We kissed." She started giggling. I still don't understand what she sees in John b. He's the most annoying person i've ever met.

            "What?? Oh my god. Tell me everything!" I started laughing too.

            "So, we went to chapel hill to look through the archives about the royal merchant and-"

            "Wait wait stop. Why were you looking for stuff about the shipwreck?"

            "I don't know. He wouldn't tell me. Did you not know about this?" I was absolutely appalled at the fact that John b was getting Sarah to help him look for the royal merchant. I'm even more upset that he's looking for it in the first place. Everyone knows that dad went crazy over that ship and it's most definitely impossible to find the gold. John b is a total idiot if he thinks he can find this ship. Dad died trying to, and I won't let the same thing happen to my brother.

            "Hold on Sarah. I gotta go." I unlocked my arm with hers and went the other way. I passed Rafe, Topper, and Kelce who were standing near the door.

           "Hey babe, I got your drink" Rafe handed me my rum and coke which I chugged and then took the shot of whiskey from his hand and downed that.

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