Chapter 2

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"Get the fuck up, Granger."

Hermione quickly did just that, her heart pounding with a scream creeping its way up her throat.

"What are you - bloody arseholes- " she muttered angerily, rubbing away the sleep in her eyes.

She had slept surprisingly well on the bare mattress (vanishing the disgusting bedding), having not slept anywhere but her car in months.

Now, she's awake and furious, staring up at Blaise Zabini who looked as if he'd just stepped out of photoshoot for a Wizards in Uniform tabloid while she looked like a scrappy gremlin.

"First day of work," he drawled, glancing to his watch. "And you're late."

"I am not," she argued, casting a wandless tempus charm without thinking.

She still had an hour, the absolute wanker.

Hermione scowled up at Zabini but his brows were furrowed as he stared down at her confiscated wand in his hands and back to her.

Right. Wandless magic was extremely rare and an advanced branch of magic.

She'd need to be more careful.

"Can I have my wand and for you to fuck off?" she asked mockingly sweet, holding out her hand.

The bloody pull to him in her chest was intoxicating and terrifying.

"This isn't your original vinewood."

"Not that it's any of your business," she started, rolling her eyes despite the anxiety discussing her wand was causing. "But I purchased one at Warwicks and -"

"You're lying," he interrupted with a glare, any trace of neutrality vanishing from his expression. "You have no permit in the states with MACUSA and there's no activity within the black market for wands that fit this description."

"I know everything about you," he continued coldly, tossing her wand on the mattress. "I'm the one who tracked you down and put together your pathetic life on the run. Sleeping in hostels and stolen automobiles... most likely selling yourself for money..."

Zabini turned away, and she gritted her teeth so she didn't say something stupid. "Theo says you're clean but I think he should run another diagnostic."

He slammed the door behind him as she magically threw her bedside lamp at the door.


Hermione walked quickly through the atrium of the Ministry to the golden lift, the whispers growing louder with every step.

"Running from her soulbonds? She has no respect for magic!"

"The hag should be happy to have her bonds. Have you seen them?"



So much for a low-profile.

By the time she reached the lift, her hands were trembling in frustration.

"Get it together, Hermione," she whispered to herself, pushing the button to the second level.

They had no idea how dangerous she was.

What she'd been through.

She wanted to scream at them all.

Instead, she closed her eyes and pushed the occulmency walls to the front of her mind.

By the time Hermione arrived at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, she had solidified her mask of indifference.

"About time," Zabini drawled, leaning against the wall near the entrance with his arms crossed.

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