Chapter 6

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As the days turned into weeks, she loathed the comfort of having a routine.

She was growing stronger in the Auror Academy and looked forward to pushing herself now, but Zabini was continuing to not give her assignments in the afternoon like an absolute twat.

George was a constant presence, even when she could be cold and bitter. He was a slice of sunshine in her day, which she was beginning to think was simply a Weasley trait.

"Knight to E5. Check."

Hermione scowled.

She really didn't like chess.

"Don't look at me like that," George tsked as her Queen was forced to take his Knight and his Bishop checkmate her King. "You didn't want to play Exploding Snap."

"Wizarding games are barbaric," she muttered, her new Muggle phone then vibrating on the floor next to her.

A few days ago, George informed her that Charlie believed their correspondence was being spied on by the Ministry.

Hermione was furious with the invasion of already such little privacy she had had.

Fortunately (and surprisingly), George gave her a phone and informed her that Charlie had familiarized himself with Muggle technology when he discovered they were soulbonds.

Now she was texting with Charlie regularly, only sending the occasional owl to keep up the facade.

They hadn't spoken on the phone yet, but that was because she was trying to keep a boundary between them.

George needed to remove the Trace before she broke Charlie's heart.

And her own.

CW: Hey there, dragul meu. Have you stunned your wardens yet?

Hermione's lips twitched, quickly messaging back.

HG: Not yet. I might need to before tomorrow's dinner.

CW: Just say the word soulbond and I'll have Norberta pay them all a visit ;)

She snorted but the humor of her bonds being dragon food was short-lived when they could hear her door handle being turned.

George quickly took her phone while Hermione raised her wand, getting to her feet.

Malfoy stood in her doorway wearing expensive dress robes and looking extremely unbothered with invading her privacy.

And looking stupidly attractive.


She lowered her wand with a scowl. "I don't even get the human deceny of my twat bonds bloody knocking?"

Her soulbond only raised a pale eyebrow. "Time for you to go, Weasley," he drawled without looking at George. "Granger has plans."

George stood protectively in front of her but she elbowed him in the ribs with an eye roll. "It's not Friday," she said instead, crossing her arms.

"Astute observation, bond," Malfoy drawled, and she could feel her face warming. "Your presence is required at my side for tonight's fall gala at the Ministry. My house elf will help you..." he looked up at her messy top bun and her jaw clenched. "... freshen up."

A house elf suddenly appeared at his side, one she recognized from her awkward Friday dinners.

"Cooky, please assist Miss Granger with getting ready for the gala. It's in half an hour."


Hermione huffed, turning to George. "Let Charlie know I approve Norberta's visit."

He smirked, pulling her in for a hug, and though Malfoy always seemed indifferent, she could feel his intense gaze on her back. "I do enjoy gate crashing, you know. I'm only a patronus away."

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