Chapter 8

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Susan and George were waiting for Hermione at the Leaky Cauldron, their arms filled with bottles of firewhiskey and boxes of sweets.

George had declared it was a celebratory evening of "glad you're not dead" and, in turn, "a suitable Wednesday to get pissed".

The night was filled with laughter, dramatic impersonations of their former professors, and a well needed break from the mess that was her life.

Once they called it a night, George quietly gave her a parcel and kissed the top of her head before gently dragging a very pissed Susan from the room, insistent on escorting her home.

Hermione wondered if something was going on between the two... Susan already had (undeserving) bonds but could she still be happy with George? She'd liked to think so.

The silence was loud once she was alone but the parcel George had given her was now shaking. And was that... smoke? Merlin, she knew better than to take anything from George...

Hermione carefully opened the box and immediately gaped at what hopped into her hand.

It was a miniature black dragon with wide orange eyes and spiny wings, looking up at her curiously.

The dragon was also the spitting image of Norberta.

She sat down on her bed with wide eyes and grabbed the note inside the parcel.

Dragul meu,

I couldn't send Norberta but this norgwegian ridgeback from the first trial of the Goblet of Fire your fourth year (who ended up not being chosen) has been lovely company.

From what you've told me about the conditions of your room, there's enough insects to keep her busy and full.

Her name is Daria.


Bloody hell.

Charlie had gifted her a fucking dragon.

Daria flew the short distance from her bed to the floor, immediately on the hunt for a roach that had made its presence known.

Hermione reached for her cell phone.

HG: you're insane.

Charlie immediately messaged back.

CW: you'll have to be more specific, love. :)


CW: George said you approved sending Norberta!


CW: 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Hermione huffed but she couldn't help the twitch of her lips at the absurdity that was her soulbond.

CW: wizards do crazy things when they're falling in love.

She heaved a sigh.

HG: you're not falling in love. The magic is just meddling with your feelings.

She cursed when her phone began to vibrate.

He was calling her.

Something she'd been avoiding.


CW: pick up the phone.

Hermione huffed and clicked the green button. "Bossy."

"Hermione Jean Granger."

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