Poem 1

7 1 0

Love, to the Star 

-written by Venus 

-dedicated to Eleven 

They say when you have a crush 

He seems perfect to you;

Perfect in every sense of what 

You imagine him to be. 

I too had a crush once, 

And yes, he was perfect to me;

Perfect in sense of good looks and humour,

Perfect in sense of talks.

I used to watch him from afar

Never really got to talk to my crush;

Because he was like the stars

And I couldn't grow wings.

When the years passed by, 

As if our paths were paved to meet,

I could finally see the star up close,

I could his stupidest side.

Turns out, after I saw his stupid side, 

He wasn't my crush anymore.

Because after I saw his stupid side, 

I fell in love with him. 

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