Letter 4

9 1 0

My dear Eleven, 

I know you always had a lot of friends and I was jealous of that. Now I think it's a good thing because one of the others might mention about me to you- I will have more chances. 

Saw your friend crossing the road today and i straightened my back. He wouldn't make you hate me, would he? What if he talks badly of me? And most importantly, what if you were around? 

But then again, you wouldn't always keep roaming with your friends, right? You have other places to be, yes. 

When I heard that my friend lived in the same building as your current best friend, I wanted to invite myself over to her place so that the chances of us meeting are higher, that is, if you happen to hang out at your friend's place at the same time. But that's not really likely, you aren't there so often. 

Then about your best friend's place? I was really good friends with him earlier. Everytime i went to his place, I would cross my fingers the entire way wishing you were there that time. Dadly, he ain't friends with me no longer. 

The only choice left for me was to pass by your building casually, hoping you come out just then to buy groceries or go for cycling. But you don't. 

Trust me, I am still waiting for one of those unexpected meetings. Someday, somewhere. 

I never lost my patience with you, but the enthusiasm isn't so high anymore. I just sit on my bed and let my thoughts wander to what you would be doing now, thinking now. 



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