Letter 5

8 1 0

Dear Eleven,

Earlier our country didn't let the majority of girls study. As a result only the males got higher posts and made laws. Nothing much has changed. There are too few girls in the mathematics stream and therefore, I am surrounded by boys all the time.

The boys in our class are like family. We are staying together the entire day but still that doesn't mean I sit close to them all or high five them like they are brothers. They are like brothers but not brothers, and that makes all the difference. Although, the reason for me to do that is because I expect you too to not get too close to the girls around you. Please.

I remember the day we had this activity in school. A tinted sheet with our name would be passed around in class. We had to pass messages to the person whose paper we would get.

The chances were really slim but I am glad I can know what you thought about me. I felt myself sigh when I saw you got my paper. And when I got it back, I checked for what you had written first: because I obviously knew your handwriting by heart. 

That day I found out that I was "too strict" at following rules. Now, I am not like that anymore. I thought about the way I lived life and decided to tune it down a lot. Today, I am shameless, lazy, clumsy and careless. Someday, if we meet, I would like to ask you- I am not too strict now, am I?  



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