Chapter 5

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*** Four years later... ***

"Emily, sweetie, wake up. It's time to go to your first day in kindergarten." Carol whispered shaking her daughter's shoulder gently.

Emily was growing up fast. She was now four years old and her positive and adventurous spirit was one of the best traits of her personality. She could still be stubborn when she wanted something. Her blond locks and green eyes often captured the attention of others. Several people would stop, from time to time, on the street just to tell Carol that they found her child adorable. Carol always smiled at those who spoke to her.

"I want to sleep more and continue dreaming about the green monkey, mommy." Emily replied, her voice dreamy.

Carol chuckled. Emily used to dream a lot. Every single day, she would tell the dream she had in the night. "Maybe you will find the green monkey at school. Now come on, it's time to get ready." Carol replied, helping her daughter get up.

"Mommy, the green monkey is not real, he just appeares in my dreams." Emily complained, but did what her mother said, nonetheless.

"Who knows? It can be that he becomes real. Now, let's get you ready for your first day." Carol passed Emily's clothes and let her daughter dress herself. Whenever she struggled with buttons, she gave Emily a hand. "Because today is a special day, I will make you pancakes for breakfast." Carol said, enthusiastically.

That made Emily run to the bathroom to brush her hair. She loved everything that was sweet. Carol helped her comb the hair. It didn't take them long to be finished. Emily had chosen a red dress, that made her look even more pretty than she already was. Mathew had been right, Carol thought while looking at her daughter. She had wished to dress her baby girl in pink, but apparently her little one hated that color.

What have I done for them to hate so much the color pink?

That was a question that she, as a mother, posed often inside her head. Not that it was so important, but Carol tended to focus, sometimes too much, on certain small things. Pink had always been Carol's favorite color. For Emily, on the other hand, it seemed to be blue, red or black.
They both went to the kitchen and Carol busied herself preparing breakfast for all of them. Jackson would also start school today, so it would be a big day for the whole family. She was definitely nervous and by the way Mathew read the newspaper, he was also not on his right mind. "Honey, you may want to turn the newspaper the other way around. The upside down letters may give you an headache and most likely you will not comprehend what is happening in the world." She said. Her mate blinked twice, before glancing again to the newspaper and doing what Carol had suggested.

Matthew had been convoked to go to a meeting in the pack house. Later he would go on patrol until around two in the afternoon. He had ask Kyle permission to have free part of the day, so he could bring and pick up his kids from kindergarten and school. The Alpha had not hesitated before he conceded the wishes.

"Will Jackson come with me?" Emily asked. She had been showing signs of uncertainty regarding the first day in a new environment. That had been a worry in Carol's heart, for the past days. Emily had posed many questions, going around the subject, but never admitting her fear. What if the other kids didn't like her? - she knew almost all the kids from the playground. What if the teachers didn't like her? - they knew who she was already and were thrilled to have her in the class. What if she didn't like the food? - although Emily ate everything, showing until now, zero signs of pickiness.
Carol sighed, remembering all the doubts that her daughter was being confronted with. As a mother, she was feeling unsure how to deal with the situation. She had already told Emily that she would do great. Jackson hadn't showed any insecurities on his first day of kindergarten. Carol decided that keeping a positive attitude would have a good impact on her daughter.

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