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"I forgive you" -he exclaimed with his eyes glazed over with a few tears and an expression that said «This is going low» but also «Do it again».

Crowley having felt as if he had been thrown a bucket of ice water just turned away. "Don't bother..." -he mumbled walking out of the bookstore.

Metatron entered shortly after and took Aziraphale with him, Crowley watched from afar beside the Bentley, hoping that the angel, his angel, would turn heaven aside to join him and continue being them on behalf of humanity, but it was not so, They crossed glances one last time and Aziraphale entered the elevator that took them to heaven, Crowley disappointed looked around, appreciating the street that gave him security, because he would not pass by there again, not without having some reason, this reason was his angel and he had left it.

He got into the Bentley and started it up feeling an indescribable anger and disappointment, but as he went along, it turned into sadness and his heart, which he was sure he already had, was breaking more and more.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid" -he kept repeating to himself mentally as he gradually increased the speed and tightened his grip on the steering wheel (not too much, as he might break it and he loved his Bentley too much for that). He drove for hours and hours, getting as far away as he could from the bookstore, the park, the Ritz, he couldn't get away from the memories, as they had both traveled the whole world, meeting again and again, so his mission would be to get away from the places they had concurred in the last century, especially the bookstore.

When Metatron told Aziraphale that they were preparing the second coming he felt hesitant about his decision, but he felt that if he took the place of supreme archangel, he could change things. Already in heaven he was not received with such joy by the other angels, but after Gabriel eloped with Beelzebub, there was no other choice even though they were still upset about all the "havoc" he had caused, he was promoted to Supreme Archangel in a small ceremony, he felt a little strange pain inside him, but nothing he considered out of the ordinary; the other archangels gave him a slight bow showing respect and dispersed to their tasks.

Aziraphale could feel a huge power within him, it frightened him a little, but he wasn't going to show it, a lower ranking angel approached him and held out a change of clothes, Azira looked at it and refused.

"I'd rather keep this one on for a while" -he adjusted his vest.

Metatron laughed lightly, "Oh, the habits, you will see that this was the best decision Aziraphale, for everyone". -he patted him on the shoulder and continued on his way.

The new supreme archangel looked at the earth with longing eyes, touched his lips and let a tear slip.

"I promise things will be better, Crowley."

And without further ado he gave himself to his labors, of course, from time to time he spied the bookstore and made sure Muriel hadn't sold anything, other times he watched his friend, but this one mostly was drinking or causing demon disaster and not like the ones he did when he was on earth, he did them as if he was a demon for real, one that is not gentle, this made him feel regret in his heart.

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This is the first chapter of what would be a fanfic imagining the events of the third season, sorry for reliving the trauma, but it was necessary.
If you want it to continue, vote and comment.

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