Chapter 1

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I held out my hand to Stella laughing, and we danced exuberantly to the pulsating beat that filled the club. The bright light of the neon lights danced on our skin as we unrestrainedly surrendered to music. Stella had long, shiny brown curls that fell wildly around her shoulders and wore a figure-hugging black dress that emphasised her curves. Her bright green eyes sparkled with excitement when her gaze got stuck on a man who watched us intensively.

This man was tall, with dark, daring eyes and a charming smile that seemed to hold a secret. His dark hair was perfectly styled and his clothes were chic and fashionable. When he came closer to us with a confident step, I felt an inexplicable attraction that originated from him.

"Hey, I'm Andrew," he introduced himself with a gentle but determined voice. His gaze slid back and forth between me and Stella, and I could feel the unfathomable attraction that came from him. My brunette hair fell over my shoulders in soft waves, and my eyes had the colour of melted chocolate. I smiled at him while Stella looked at him curiously.

"You both look stunning. May I buy you something to drink?" Andrew asked and licked his lips while his eyes wandered along our bodies.

"That would be nice, thank you. Stella, we found a gentleman!" I said cheerfully and grinned broadly. Stella happily agreed. "Well then, to an unforgettable evening! Cheers!" she called in the round when our drinks were placed on the counter that Andrew had ordered shortly before.

We all tipped down the drinks while I twisted my face and shook my head. "Man, that's strong."

Stella looked at me and had to laugh. "What do you expect from a short one?"

Andrew smiled. "Where are you from?"

"From Illinois. And you?"

Stella spoke up and whispered to me: "Angel, I have to go to the bathroom for a moment. In the meantime, you're talking to our charming companion, okay?" She disappeared in the crowd.

Andrew looked after Stella before he turned to me again. "So, Angel, tell me more about yourself. Do you have certain passions or dreams?"

"Well, I'm interested in literature and writing. I love to immerse myself in other worlds and bring stories to life. What about you?"

Before he could answer, Stella returned. "I hope I didn't miss too much. Andrew, are you a man of many words?"

Andrew laughed. Only when I'm with charming ladies like you. I would love to get to know you better."

We talked for a while and drank one drink after another. "I'm going back to the dance floor," Stella said as she looked at the dance floor.

I was still standing at the counter with Andrew while Stella went back to the dance floor and immediately threw herself into the arms of a handsome stranger. The music boomed around us, and the play of light from the neon lights made everything seem surreal.

Andrew bent closer to me, his breath warm on my ear. "Your passion for literature fascinates me. Tell me more about it."

I smiled and felt my heart beat faster. I love writing stories. It's like I can dive into other worlds and experience adventures there. What about you, Andrew? What do you like to do?"

He looked deep into my eyes, and I could hardly bear the intensity of his look. I love to travel and discover new cultures. There is so much to see and experience in this world."

His words and the closeness made me cheat. The alcohol in my blood increased the feeling, and I had to hold on briefly in order not to lose my balance. Andrew put a hand on my shoulder to support me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded and smiled. Yes, just a little dizzy. Maybe some fresh air?"

He understood immediately and led me through the crowd to a quieter area. But instead of going outside, we suddenly found ourselves in front of the door to the toilet. Without much thought, he pulled me in and closed the door behind us.

In the small room, the music only penetrated to us in a subdued space. The silence around us suddenly felt overwhelming. Andrew stepped closer to me, and I could perceive the scent of his aftershave. My heart beat wildly, and before I realised it properly, his lips were on mine.

The kiss was full of passion and desire, and at that moment I could forget everything around me. All that mattered was this moment, this connection between us. The alcohol and the intensity of the moment let all inhibitions fall off us.

His hand rested on my cheek and slowly stroked down to my chest. With the other hand, he pulled down the straps of my dress and revealed my breasts. His lips slowly moved down to my neck and left a soft moan on my lips.

His kisses wandered further down until he sucked on my nipples and triggered a tingling sensation in me. My hands wandered to his pants, which I opened, and I slowly reached into his boxer shorts and held his excited limb in my hand. With gentle movements of my hand, I filled him with pleasure, and a soft moan escaped his lips. Suddenly he lifted me up, pushed me against the wall and pulled my panties aside before he penetrated me.

When we finally broke away from each other, we both looked at each other breathlessly. "Wow," I whispered, and Andrew nodded in agreement.

"That was... unexpected," he said with a slight smile. "But I don't regret anything."

The intensity of the moment subsided, and suddenly a thought shot through my head that hit me like lightning: Mateo. I was in a relationship with Mateo, and what had just happened felt like a terrible betrayal.

An overwhelming sense of guilt came over me, and I abruptly detached myself from Andrew. "I... I have to go," I stammered without looking him in the eye. Before he could say anything, I turned around and literally ran out of the toilet and through the club.

The music and the lights seemed to haunt me as I pushed myself through the crowd. I took a last look at Stella, who was still having fun on the dance floor, and then ran out into the cool night air. The contrast between the stuffy club atmosphere and the fresh air outside was shocking.

Without thinking about where I actually wanted to go, I started walking. The streets were dark and almost deserted, only occasionally cars passed me by, whose headlights cut through the night like ghostly eyes. Most shops were closed, and the few street lamps cast long, lonely shadows on the sidewalk.

My thoughts are racing just as fast as my steps. Pictures of Mateo and me flashed in front of my inner eye - his warm hugs, our laughter, the hours together. How could I jeopardise all this so recklessly?

I reached the college dormitory and stormed in without noticing anyone. The hallway was quiet, only the buzzing of the neon lights above me could be heard. I closed my room door behind me and leaned against it, breathing heavily. The silence in my room was overwhelming.

I let myself fall on my bed, my thoughts still a whirlwind of guilt and remorse. The events of the evening took place incessantly in my head, and I could still feel the taste of Andrew's lips on mine. How could I have acted so carelessly?

The darkness of my room offered no comfort, but only reinforced the severity of my thoughts. I pulled the blanket over my head as if I could hide from my own guilt. But it didn't help. The feelings of guilt gnawed at me, did not let me rest.

"What did I do?" I whispered into the darkness, but the answer failed. I hardly found sleep that night, plagued by the incessant thoughts of Mateo and the bitter realisation that I had made a big mistake.

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