Chapter 2

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The next morning I wake up with a booming headache. My head feels like a truck has run over it. I notice Stella's quiet yawning before I feel the weight when she sits down at the foot of my bed. "Where were you yesterday?" she asks me curiously and a little worried. I laboriously turn to the side to look at them.

"I wasn't doing so well," I answer matt. The memories of last night flash in front of my inner eye: Andrew and I on the toilet, the kiss, the sex. "Fuck!", it escapes me louder than intended, and I bury my face in my hands.

"What's going on?" Stella asks with a concerned look. "Did something happen yesterday?"

I shake my head hastily. "No, I was just dizzy. That's why I drove home early," I lie while my heart is racing.

"Alone?" Stella asks, her voice full of concern.

"Yes, I took a taxi," I try to calm her down, even though the lie is heavily on my tongue.

Stella gets up, goes to her wardrobe and pulls out a pair of pants. Why didn't you say anything? I would have accompanied you," she says while putting on the shorts.

I shrug my shoulders indifferently. "I didn't want to spoil the fun you had on the dance floor," I say and force myself to a weak grin.

Stella's cheeks turn pink. "Oh my God, don't remind me of it," she murmurs embarrassed.

"Why not?" I ask curiously.

Stella sits down on her bed and burys her face in her hands. He could dance really well, but when we kissed... it was over. His tongue made such strange movements, it was totally unpleasant and disgusting," she confesses.

The idea of his tongue moving like a washing machine drum makes me laugh. "You always get on such guys," I tease them and try to suppress my own thoughts of last night.

The room around us is quiet, the light of the early morning floods through the half-open curtains and immerses everything in a soft, golden light. The familiar environment of our room offers a deceptive consolation, while my interior is a chaos of guilt and confusion. Representing the normality, which I try so desperately to preserve, Stella laughs quietly, but my smile feels hollow.

Stella looks at me for a while, then she gets up resolutely. "Come on. It doesn't help to lie around here. Let's go for breakfast. Mateo is waiting for us in the café," she says with a cheering smile.

I sigh deeply and press my hand against my throbbing forehead. "I don't know, Stella. I just don't feel like it," I murmur.

"That's exactly why you have to get out," she replies vigourously. A little fresh air and a good breakfast will do you good. She comes closer and pulls the duvet back a bit. "Come on, high with you."

I reluctantly sit up and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. "Okay, okay, you won," I say resignedly.

Stella smiles triumphantly. "Good that."

Slowly I get up and get ready. In the bathroom, I take a look in the mirror. My eyes are tired and my skin is pale. I take a deep breath and try to suppress the thoughts of last night. "Pull yourself together," I whisper to myself.

A few minutes later, I step out of the bathroom, freshly dressed and with hair tied together. "Ready," I say, although I feel anything but ready.

Stella nods contentedly. "That's the right attitude. Let's go." We leave the dormitory and make our way to the café.

The fresh morning air actually feels invigorating, and I notice how my headache slowly settles. When we reach the small, cosy café, my eyes immediately fall on Mateo. The café, with its warm wooden tables, the comfortably arranged armchairs and the large windows through which the soft morning light flows, radiates an inviting atmosphere. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and oven-warm croissants is in the air and makes your mouth water.

Mateo is sitting at our usual table in the corner, his face brightens with a wide smile when he sees us. His black hair is dishelled and gives him a charming, messy look, while his radiant blue eyes contrast to it and give him a special radiance.

"There you are!" he calls and gets up to greet us. He gives Stella a short, warm hug and then pulls me into his arms, presses a quick kiss on my lips. "Hey, you look tired. Is everything okay?" he asks worriedly and examines me attentively.

"Yes, just a little headache," I answer and force myself to smile.

Mateo pulls out a chair for me and smiles cheeringly. "Sit on. A good breakfast and a coffee work wonders," he says encouragingly.

While we sit down, a friendly waiter notices our arrival and immediately comes to our table, a notepad and a pen in his hand.

Good morning! What can I bring you?" he asks with a smile.

Stella beams at him. For me, please have a latte macchiato with lots of caramel and an avocado bread with egg.

Mateo nods to the waiter. As always, a black coffee and a chocolate roll, please.

I smile slightly and add: "I'll have a coffee with milk and a croissant with cheese and ham."

The waiter notes everything and disappears to place our order.

Mateo leans back and looks at us curiously. "So, how was your evening yesterday?"

Stella laughs and starts telling the story immediately. "Oh, it was fantastic! We met a really nice guy. He gave us a lot of drinks and we just had a lot of fun."

While Stella speaks, her words blur for me. My thoughts drift off to what happened last night. The guilty conscience gnaes at me and I feel like I'm in a trance. Mateo... I cheated on him. The thought makes me twitch inside.

The waiter returns with our order and puts the drinks and food on the table in front of us. Stella and Mateo start eating immediately, while I just stare at my food and poke around in it, unable to take a bite.

Mateo notices my restlessness and gently puts his hand on mine. Angel, what's going on? You seem completely absent. Is everything really okay?"

I force myself to smile, even though my heart is heavy. "Yes, everything is okay," I say, but my voice sounds insecure.

Mateo looks at me researchingly, his blue eyes permeate me with their intensity. I know you. Something is wrong. Please, tell me the truth."

My heart is racing, and I feel a lump forming in my neck. The pressure to tell the truth weighs heavily on me, but the fear of the consequences is holding me back. I open my mouth to say something, but the words get stuck in my throat. Stella looks back and forth between us, feels the tension, but says nothing.

The atmosphere at the table is suddenly charged, and I know that I can't be silent for much longer. Mateo has a right to know the truth, but how can I confess something so painful to him?

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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