Another Life V2

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Adam sat against the brick walls staring into the space.

" Damn. Must be fun to have a friend." Adam muttered sarcastically. Of course he didn't want to befriend anyone in the orphanage. They said he was weird, strange, depressing, and so on.

A sigh left him as he watched the children from under the shade of the trees.What a shame. No guardian to take him in, no friends, no one even so close to him. He was all alone. Until a light shined its way through the darkness.

A small tap on Adam's shoulder startled him, a yelp escaping him as his back hit the tree. "Whoopsies! Did I scare you?" A familiar face stared at Adam. Silver-dyed black hair, dark skin. It all seemed so familiar.

"..Yes. Yes you did." A relieved sigh was let out by Adam as he pat his heart gently to slow the beating. A sheepish grin crossed the other boy's face as he kneeled down beside AdaM.


"It's fine." Adam turned his attention back to the kids in the distance.. "Say, is anyone sitting beside you?" Jonah pointed beside Adam. "Yes my imaginary friend Six is sitting here." Adam muttered in a snarky tone.

Jonah chuckled and took a seat beside Adam, leaning against the tree, "Sorry Six. I'm gonna steal Adam as my best friend from you now." Adam perked up, his head lifting. "..What?"

"I said, I am going to be your best friend from now on!" Jonah repeated in a louder voice, a small smile crossing his face. Deja vu surged through Adam. Why was that smile so familiar..?

"You really don't have to.." Adam clenched his fists, nervous since every kid who has asked to befriend Adam either did it as a bet or left him in a day. "No no no, I insist!" The boy shook his head. Adam stayed silent. It didn't matter. He would leave him behind eventually.

"So, what's your name?" The boy asked, tilting his head in a similar manner of an excited puppy.

"Adam Murray."

"Jonah Marshall, nice to meet you!" Jonah extended his hand to shake. Adam retracted quickly. Why..was he so hesitant to make friends..? A hurt look was seen on Jonah's face, his hand going back down.

"What's wrong? Jonah tried to keep the smile on his face, but he was clearly struggling. Adam sighed, standing up. "It's not you.Please..just leave me alone." As he walked away, Jonah grabbed his hand.

" have a BPS hoodie too?" Jonah seemed to be lively again, pointing at the yellow logo on the black hoodie tied around Adam's waist. "Yeah I guess. The orphanage caretakers said they found me bundled in this hoodie.."

"Cool! Me too!" Jonah's sunshine personality was warm. It was warming up the coldness of Adam's personality. "Are you still taking up your friendship offer?" Adam stopped trying to walk away, now facing Jonah and having the first proper conversation with another kid in his life.

"Really? You''d be friends with me??" Jonah's eyes seemed to gleam with happiness. "I mean, sure. It's not like it'd-" Adam tried to speak before getting cut off by Jonah throwing himself at Adam, tackling him in a hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you!! You have no idea how much this means to me!!" Jonah hugged Adam, not letting go like a child clings to their mother, Adam was dumbfounded. But he smiled.

"You're welcome."

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