Minlix~Thigh fuck (Felix sub)

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Top: Minho
Bottom: Felix

Plot: Minho is rich and CEO of a popular company. When one of his employees is crushing on him, he's desperate to make Lee Felix his.

TW: Kissing, Minho fucks Felix with his thighs, Minho gives lix a blow job (Minho is still dominant tho)



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Minho was sitting on his desk, facing the door. Suddenly someone knocked.

"Come in!" Minho yelled. Felix slowly opened the door and closed it behind him, walking over to Minho.

"What is it lixie?" Minho asked quickly softening. Felix just pouted, staring at Minho.

"I need to talk to you about something." He mumbled.

"Come here." Minho ordered with a smile.

"Okay." Felix mumbled walking over to him.

"So, tell me baby." Minho said as he spread his legs. Felix stood in between them.

"I- Um..." The boy stuttered, blushing.

"Aww." Minho chuckled and reached out to the boy's cheek, gently stroking it.

"Are you shy~" The older teased. Felix's eyes widened and he quickly looked away, his cheeks by now colored crimson red.

"I-I wanted to c-confess something to you s-sir."

"And what may that be?" Minho replied raising an eyebrow.

"Um..." Felix mumbled. When Minho saw the boy was still avoiding his eyes he grabbed Felix's chin, turning it to him.

"Eyes on me." Minho ordered. Felix's lips slightly parted.

"I- I-"

"You love me?" The older interupted.

"W-what how'd you know?" Felix asked in surprise. Minho's smirk grew as he chuckled.

"It's obvious baby." He replied.

"D-do you like m-me too?" Felix stuttered out.

"Hmm, do I?" Minho teased. He roughly smashed their lips together, kissing Felix dominantly.

"A-ahh~" Felix whimpered.

"Fuck you don't know for how long I wanted to do this." Minho groaned and squeezed his thighs together.

"My little pet, all mine." He mumbled before moving to Felix's neck, sucking on it.

"Ah~ Ah~" Felix moaned fully in pleasure.

"You make such pretty sounds..." Minho sighed stopping his movements and looking at Felix.

"So pretty." He mumbled and kissed Felix's nose.

"P-please help m-me it hurts." Felix whined in reply rutting against Minho.

"You want my cock in you hm? That's not going to solve that little problem there." Minho asked.

"Just please- Do something!" Felix cried out, making Minho smirk.

"I'll fuck you with my thighs babyboy." He explained, moving to the chair and putting Felix on his lap. He slid him lower to one of his thighs.

(Facing eachother)

"What do you me-Ah!" Felix was interrupted as a sudden spark of pleasure hit him. Minho smirked, hitching his thigh up again.

"Feels good hm?" He teased.

"Shit- Yes- Min-" Felix panted, moaning out louder every time Minho raised his thigh.

"Min!" He cried out clawing at Minho's back.

"Shh, baby." Minho murmured, bouncing his leg up and down. Felix moaned again.

"P-please let me c-chase my high." Felix begged, closing his eyes tightly.

"Going to have an orgasm hm?" Minho asked.

"Yes." Felix cried out. But just then The older suddenly stopped his movements.

"Why did you stop..." The younger panted.

"Going to suck my pretty boy's dick, show him who's boss." Minho explained before kneeling down. He deep throated the boy.

"Ah- Shit!" Felix cried out.

"Come on baby, cum." Minho's muffled voice ordered. Felix whimpered and released into the man's mouth. However, Minho didn't swallow.

"H-huh?" Felix mumbled looking at him curious. Minho smirked and stood up, grabbing Felix by the neck and pulling him in for a kiss.

"Oh you bitch-" Felix mumbled before melting into the kiss. It was weird to taste his own cum.

"Swallow." Minho demanded as Felix fluttered his eyes back open. The boy hesitantly gulped, swallowing all of it.

"Good boy." The older praised.

After that he had taken the boy home for some good aftercare, because if you don't you're an asshole. :)

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