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Top: Hyunjin and Seungmin
Bottom: Jeongin

Jeongin's fit

Warning: First Jeongin is the sub but it turns out in Seungmin suddenly becoming the sub!

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Warning: First Jeongin is the sub but it turns out in Seungmin suddenly becoming the sub!


"Hey baby!" Hyunjin greeted his boyfriend, who was sitting on the couch.

"Hey hyung!" Jeongin replied and stood up to give him a hug. Just when he was embraced by Hyunjin he felt hands grabbing his ass.

"S-seungmin!" The boy gasped in surprise.

"Hi." He said into the boy's ear, voice deep and raspy. Jeongin gulped.

"Let's sit down." He suggested before escaping from their grip and sitting back on the couch. The other boy's sat next to him and he couldn't help but feel flustered.

"Innie." Seungmin called. Jeongin curiously turned to him.

"Yes hyu-" Before Jeongin could finish his sentence Seungmin grabbed the boy's chin and kissed him hungrily.

"A-ah~" Jeongin moaned out. Hyunjin stopped kissing him as Seungmin grabbed Jeongin's chin now, kissing him too.

The puppy like boy kissed him even rougher than Hyunjin had done and much more dominant.

"H-hyungs!" The boy whined in full pleasure.

"Yes baby?" Hyunjin growled licking Jeongin's earlobe.

"P-please. M-more." Jeongin begged. Both boys smirked at that.

"You want more baby?"

"Yes!" Jeongin whined kicking his feet. Seungmin picked the boy up and threw him over his shoulder.

"Okay cutie." Seungmin chuckled as they walked to their bedroom.

"You look so fuckable in that outfit." Seungmin murmured slapping the boy's ass before throwing the boy on their king sized bed. (Dw he's fine)

"What do you want us to do baby?" Hyunjin asked.

"Touch me..." Jeongin said shyly. Seungmin smirked and sat down next to the boy who was laying on his back on the bed.

"Let's claim our cutie." He murmured before leaning down and licking Jeongin's thigh.

"S-shit!" Jeongin gasped out as he threw his head back.

"Aww baby boy's sensetive?" Hyunjin cooed and licked Jeongin's other thigh. It tore a moan out of the boy.

"H-hyungs~" Jeongin cried out as they started to give him hickeys. They were sucking on the skin, making the youngest feel oh so good.

"Like it baby?" Seungmin cooed licking Jeongin's earlobe.

"Y-yes, but p-please start already!" The boy whimpered.

"Really? Let's reveal more of you then." Hyunjin chuckled and took off the boy's boxers.

"Y-you're not taking the rest off?"

"No, this is hot. You look so fuckable like this." Seungmin bluntly said. Jeongin blushed a crimson red before getting on all fours.

"P-please." He whined when Seungmin stretched his hole.

"Just wait for a bit more baby, we have to make sure we can fuck the shit out of you in pleasure not pain." Seungmin said, bluntly like always.

"Hm!" Jeongin gasped when the puppy like boy's fingers brushed against his prostate.

"Want me to eat you out baby?" Hyunjin asked. Jeongin nodded desperately and moaned out.

Seungmin bit his lip as he watched the two. Hyunjin was already thrusting into Jeongin's hole, the younger boy was grabbing the sheets tighter with every thrust.

It all went so quick, and before he could even think Jeongin had already cummed.

Two boys were now smirking at him.

"Aww, did Seungmin get a little subby?" Jeongin teased grabbing the boy. Seungmin avoided eye contact as Hyunjin gently laid him down.

"My eyes are up here, baby." Jeongin chuckled as he grabbed Seungmin's chin. The boy looked up at him with doe eyes.

"Go on baby, tell us." Hyunjin cooed.

"Please fuck me so hard that my cum will be everywhere, fuck me so hard and mark me all over my body." Seungmin said bluntly.

"Oh is that so hm?" Jeongin growled moving Seungmin to lay on his stomach on the bed. He grabbed the sides of Seungmin's waist.

"What a horny pup." Hyunjin mumbled grabbing the boy's ass and turning him on his back. Seungmin couldn't stop the moan slipping out his mouth.

"Does our little puppy like to be grabbed? To be put in his place?" Hyunjin cooed grabbing Seungmin's wrists and holding them above the boy's head.

Jeongin moved his hands to Seungmin's chest and slid his hand under the boy's shirt. The boy cried out a moan when Jeongin started to play with his nipples.

"Such a needy puppy." Hyunjin mumbled letting go of the boy's wrists. He moved to Seungmin's dick and started to palm it.

"Mhm!" Seungmin squeeled.

"Aww, what an adorable baby." Jeongin cooed removing his own shirt. He grabbed Seungmin's hand teasingly after he saw the boy's needy gaze on his chest.

"Want to touch my abs?" Jeongin cooed sliding the boy's hand under his shirt.

"Hah- Please-" Seungmin panted out. Jeongin chuckled and let Seungmin touch his abs.

Meanwhile Hyunjin was palming Seungmin at a quick pace.

"Going to cum already baby?" Hyunjin cooed. The boy let out a loud squeek as his eyes rolled back.

"C-close." He cried out.

"Cum baby." Jeongin chuckled. Seungmin cried out and squirted all over the bed. Hyunjin started to teasingly lick the boy's balls, same for Jeongin.


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