skz x Jeongin ~ mafia

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Top: skz ot7
Bottom: Jeongin

Plot: Jeongin was a pure an innocent boy. He visits all his Mafia boyfriends at their workplace, what happens when he sees them and pops a boner?

TW: Intensive stuff like guns (not actually shooting, knifes (not cutting) blowjobs etc.


Jeongin happily skipped through the halls. He was visiting all his boyfriends at work, and he was happy.

"Babies!" He called out thinking they'd all be in the home room. They werent. So, the boy walked to Chan's office.

"Hey guys-" Jeongin stopped talking and blushed at the sight. Everyone looked so hot.

"Oh hey Innie!" Jisung chuckled and walked over to the boy, smirking down at him.

"You're... Topless." Jeongin mumbled.

"I guess I am." Jisung chuckled.

"A-and you're holding a gun." Jeongin stuttered as his blush increased.

(If you're worried there's no actual ammo in the guns, do not worry!!!)

"Mhm, do you like it?" Jisung teased and slowly caressed Jeongin's chin with it.

"Jisung why are you pointing a gun at innie?" Chan asked. Jeongin desperately tried to tug down his shirt.

"On your knees baby." Jisung ordered. Jeongin whined and sank to his knees.

"Does our baby have a little problem down there, hm?" Hyunjin teased. Jeongin whimpered.

"P-please~" He whined.

"You adorable boy, look at my dagger baby." Minho cooed slowly walking towards the boy. Jeongin whined in need.

"You're so cute baby." The older chuckled. He slowly slid the knife over Jeongin's cheek, making sure it's not actually cutting. Meanwhile Jeongin let out whiny sounds.

"You like this horny cutie?" Minho teased.

"Mhm." Jeongin hummed. Before he knew it someone kneeled down behind him and removed all of his clothing.

"Such a nice ass." Seungmin's familiar voice murmured. Jeongin's breath hitched as he felt a gun sliding over his butt cheeks, and Minho's dagger still teasing.

"Hmh~" He whined out in pleasure. Felix slowly walked over to them, and did something that surprised everyone.

Jeongin cried out loudly in pleasure as a tongue licked his dick.

"Cute." Felix chuckled before continuing to give Jeongin's dick kitten licks. Jisung came over to them and did the same thing.

"Ah- Ah!" Jeongin moaned out. He was surrounded by pleasure and loved it.

"Okay that's enough everyone, now it's time for me." Changbin announced. Everyone walked away, knowing what was going to happen.

Changbin picked the boy up and placed him on a gym thing.

(Like this but without the weights)

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(Like this but without the weights)

"I'm going to cum all over your face~" Changbin teased, straddling Jeongin. He gently put his hard dick into the young boy's mouth.

"Mhm~" Jeongin whined out, gagging a little.

"Shh~" Changbin cooed. When he noticed Jeongin was starting to get inpatient, he roughly started to thrust into the boy's mouth.

"Ahhh!" Jeongin moaned in pleasure. Changbin's lips curled into a smirk and he tangled his fingers into Jeongin's hair, tugging at it.

The sight made Changbin cum instantly. He quickly pulled out and held his dick, squirting over Jeongin's face. The boy liked it in a way.

"Mhm~" He whined rubbing his thighs together.

"Chan hyung, you're up." Changbin groaned getting off of Jeongin.

"Come here baby boy, still needy hm?" Chan cooed. Jeongin whined and tried to crawl over to Chan, but his legs didn't want to.

"Cute." Chan praised before sitting Jeongin down back on his knees.

"Cum anytime you want baby." The older mumbled before sliding his shoe close to the boy's dick, and slowly grinded against it.

"Shit." Jeongin hissed and needily moved closer to the foot, grinding. Chan inched his foot up making Jeongin cry out.

"Such a whiny boy." Chan praised and did it again.

Jeongin whined as he felt Hyunjin's hands squeezing his ass.

"F-fuck~" He whimpered out.

"Going to cum baby?"

"Yes, please please! Please let me cum hyung!" Jeongin begged. Everyone chuckled at that.

"Go on baby, cum." Hyunjin ordered. Jeongin moaned loudly before releasing his stream, which ended up more like he was pissing. (He's not peeing!)

"W-why does it look different?" Jeongin cried out with sad eyes.

"What do you mean baby?" Chan asked.

"Changbin's cum went everywhere, mine is just sloppy." Jeongin explained with a pout. Hyunjin smirked and nosed at Jeongin's neck, grabbing a hold of his dick.

"I'll help you~" He teased before angling it in the right ways. Jeongin gasped out in pleasure as he squirted at Chan's shoes, and then everywhere.

"S-sorry." He mumbled.

"Don't apologise baby, that was so fucking hot." Jisung groaned. They picked the boy up and brought him home for a bath.

Y'all be honest was this one less better than usual?

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