Ch32 - Pranks (Moo?)

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Ashe's POV

Other than Horror, who you knew was waiting for Nightmare, the living room was empty by the time you went back. You felt yourself deflate a little at that, but just as you did, Spooky floated back over to you with a cheerful grin. "BROTHER! DID YOUR TALK WITH TALL AND GOOPY GO OKAY?"

You snorted at the description of Nightmare. 'It was fine, Spooky,' you let out. 'Do you think you could help me find our room? Nightmare said it was the spare beside Horrors, I don't know if that was the room I woke up in earlier or not,' you signed politely.


With that, Spooky went floating down various hallways, leading you to where the rooms were situated. He was right, you realised - each door had a name carved into it, aside from one. Yours, instead, had your name written crudely in what looked like sharpie.

Your room was located next to horrors, with Dust's just after it. Across was Killer and Cross (Where was Nightmare's room? The one at the end of the hall, maybe?). Just as you went to enter your room, you heard an awfully suspicious sound come from Killer's room. Was that... mooing?

Curiosity getting the better of you, you went over to investigate. You motioned for Spooky to stay quiet. He complied, but looked extremely curious.

You knocked - firm enough he wouldn't ignore you, quiet enough it was somewhat subtle. YThere was shuffling on the other side, like somebody was desperately trying to hide something, and when the door finally opened, Killer sort of squeezed through the smallest gap he could manage, quickly closing the door behind him. It was extremely obvious he was hiding something.

"Uhhhh... hi?" He let out, clearly trying to play it cool. From his expression, he had been expecting somebody else, but relaxed a little when he realised it was just you.

'Is there a cow in your room?' You signed immediately.

"...No?" He let out in response. It sounded more like a question than an answer, causing you to snort. He was terrible at feigning innocence. It didn't help that there was a muffled moo as though the cow itself were trying to prove him wrong.

Seeing you didn't fall for it in the slightest, he peered down the hallway in both directions - checking for anybody else - then leaned in to whisper. "Okay, I maaaay have 'borrowed' ol' Betsy from Farmer," he confessed with a sly grin.

You grinned mischievously. 'I bet Nighty wouldn't be happy you're pranking Cross,' you let out.

His grin didn't drop for a moment. "Tell ya what. If you don't rat me out, I'll get you five chocolate bars at the next supply run," he offered.

You weren't seriously planning to spoil the prank, you were just being silly. 'And if I don't like chocolate?'

"Liar, everybody likes chocolate," he snorted. He probably knew you were bluffing. "Besides, Crossy and Error are both obsessed with them, so you could always use use it a bribe~"

With a cheeky grin, you signed a quick 'Deal.'

"I knew you'd be fun to have around," he smiled, pulling you into the room.

The next twenty minutes were spent luring the fully grown Besty into Cross' room with various cow-friendly snacks. It wasn't too difficult to get her in there, aside from the fact she kept trying to lick your face, causing you to giggle and snicker every few seconds.

With her finally in the room, and the door closed, Killer guided you to the room you were staying. "Now, if ya hear screaming tonight, we didn't do it" he winked.

You paused for a moment, a sudden thought coming to mind. 'Pranking him like this isn't, like, mean, is it?'

"Nahhh. Crossy is scared of cows, but its not bad enough to traumatise him or something," he reassured. "None of our pranks are malicious, even if we wind each other up sometimes. We're assholes, but we do care 'bout eachother. Promise."

'Alright, I just wanted to make sure...' you trailed off. Killer seemed confident it was all in good fun, and unless that was proven otherwise, you would trust him on that. You then gestured to your door. 'This is my room, by the way,' you explained.

"Oh, so you're staying next to Horror? Makes sense. Think this used to be Glitchface's room before he made that big net hammock thing in the roof of library," he mused. He then squinted at the door itself. "Man, Dusty's handwriting is shit. Did he seriously just use a sharpie?"

'Looks like it,' you signed. So that was Dust's handwriting, then. 'Who do you mean by Glitchface, by the way? That doesn't sound like a nickname for Nightmare...'

"Nahhh, its Error. He's all glitchy and shit," he snorted. "Not really part of the fam yet, but Noots is definitely trying. More like an ally we're tryna forcibly adopt."

'Is it working?' you signed to the 'forcibly adopt' part.

He have a so-so gesture. "Kinda hard to tell with that guy, he's a total grump," he chuckled.

You nodded, letting the words sink in. 'He's the one we are helping tomorrow, right? I'm pretty sure Nightmare mentioned it.'

"Sure is. Gotta keep the star shits distracted," he confirmed. "Speaking of tomorrow, I maaay have found some glitter bombs Fresh left behind from like a year ago. I'll sneak ya some tomorrow. Just don't use them on NightyNoots, he gets real pissed when his goop gets glittery and might yeet ya - leave it to me instead, yeah?"


You both snorted at the sudden exclamation from your ghostly counterpart. "Didn't even know you were there," Killer admitted. "Gonna keep the cow prank a secret too?"

"WHAT COW? I DON'T KNOW OF ANY COW. JUST CHICKENS. YES. LOTS OF CHICKENS." Well, it was clear Spooky was still a terrible liar, but at least he was having fun.

"Snrrrk, if ya say so, bud," Killer managed to get out. "Anyway. Get some rest, squirt."

You nodded and gave a short wave, disappearing into the bedroom that had been designated to you. 

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