Chapter 6: Saved by the Feather

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Here's the next chapter of this story.

Here we'll meet your mother and a special lil guy.

I hope you like it cause I liked writing it.

The weekend was finally here and every student in Naranja Academy was eager to go out and have fun for the two days of no school.

Some did stay behind for one reason or another, but there was definitely one student who wasn't excited for this weekend.

And that student was you.

As a stampede of students poured out of the doors of Naranja Academy you simply trudged slouching over and let out a sigh.

It was time to go face your mother's wrath.

Now you did consider suicide at one point, but suicide was the coward's way out and you were no coward.

Besides you were pretty sure your mother was gonna kill you anyways.

You had called a Paldean flying taxi to drop you off at your destination and it should be here in the courtyard any moment now.

As you began walking down the stairs to the courtyard, an all too familiar voice reached your ears.

"(Y/N)!" Came the voice of Crus behind you along with the sound of shoes Rapidly hitting the floor.

You sighed and turned around only to have the wind knocked out of you as the excited Shiny hunter crashed into you.

This caused both of you to tumble down the stairs letting out grunts of pain as you both did.

You both finally hit the halfway point of Naranja Academy's long stairs with a hard thud.

Crus groaned as she sat up.

"Sorry (Y/N)..." She groaned sitting up and rubbing her head.

When the shiny hunter looked down her whole face turned crimson with a blush as she realized the position you both were in.

Your tumble resulted in her landing on top of you and now that she was sitting up, she was basically straddling you.

You did not look amused.

"How cliche." You sighed. "NOW GET THE FUCK OFF ME!"

"R-right." She stuttered not wanting to embaress you both.

Most of the students have cleared and left, but she was still straddling you in a public area so she had to get off you fast.

Unfortunately, just as she was about to get off, the sound of a photo being taken reached both your ears.

"Nice." Came the all too familiar voice of Zoraida and there she stood on the stairs walking down towards the two of you.

Beside her, hovered her Rotom Phone which she had just used to take a photo of you and Crus in your current position.

Immediately you shoved Crus off you and got back up.

"Delete that right now!" You snarled grabbing at Zoraida's Rotom Phone only for the possessed Electronic to avoid your grab and fly back into Zoraida's backpack.

You tried to grab at her backpack only for her to grab your wrist and suddenly pull you into a tight hug.

This of course caused your face to go right into her breasts.

"Aw don't worry Little Man, I'm not gonna show this to anyone you don't want me to." Zoraida assured as you struggled in your nonconsensual trip to Marshmallow Hell. "If you let me keep it I'll send you a few spicy pics of myself for your viewing pleasure."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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