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You chatted with your friends at lunch, filtering all of the hot topics currently at the center of attention this week at Karasuno High School. You yawned and stretched your arms above your head, listening to several of your friends switch the topic to discuss (more like debate) the boy with the hottest looks in the different volleyball teams playing this season, thanks to someone who brought the daily sports magazine to "oooo" and "aaaah" at the players.

"Hm, but don't you think it's kind of sexy the way his hair looks?"

"That bed head? As if. No one can compete against Oikawa-Senpai's good looks!"

"Keep talking, your Oikawa is no match for Ushijima." A random girl pitched in.

"Are you crazy? Ushijima looks so scary, why do you like him?"

You sighed, causing both of your friends to look at you.

"Ne, _____-chan, who looks the best?" You turn to see pictures of a few volleyball players in teams that were in favor to win this season.

"Eh? Why ask me?" You rested your head on your fist. "Shouldn't you all be cheering for the home team? Honestly." You joked as one of your friends, Ayano laughed.

"Aw come on, there's no harm in playing a little Who's Hot and Who's Not once in a while." Another one of your classmates chuckled.

"Well, since our _____-chan is so in love with our volley ball team, who's the best looking?" You shook your head, not wanting to answer. "Really? Not not one person you'd date?"

"Hey, saying who looks the best and who I'd date are two completely different things!" You argued.

"Wha- Really?" You rolled your eyes. "Please _____-chan, tell us, I'm dying to know!" Misaki pretended to be oh so desperate.

"Fine . . . If I had to choose, I'd date Ryuto." You lied as both of your friends "aw'd" and clapped as if they'd accomplished something great. Truth be told, Ryuto was a nice guy, his slightly messy brown hair and grey eyes were average, but nonetheless attractive. Then again, you had only lied to your friends to get them off your case.

"Although you deliberately avoided my question since he's not on the volleyball team, I'll forgive you, but he still doesn't compare to Oikawa-Senpai." Ayano scolded.

"Oh, shut up."


Later that evening, when you went to get your shoes, you found a note placed at the back of your shoe box, as if someone had thrown it in and ran away. You pondered at the thought of someone being so nervous and childish, but read the note anyways.


Please meet me in the back of the school garden tomorrow after school.


. . .

'Well, that was brief.' You thought to yourself as you placed the note in your bag. You didn't know if the person was a secret admirer or if they wanted to confront you about a problem. Though the latter thought made you anxious, you had probably better prepare for the worst.

You walked home by yourself that day, wondering who the person could be. Secretly, you had hoped that it was a love confession so you could just turn the person down with no hard feelings, but if it was a problem that someone had with you, you wouldn't know how to react.


In the end, you woke up the next morning with bags under your eyes. You had hardly gotten any sleep, you just couldn't help but get a bad feeling in your gut that something was wrong. Of course you were scared, anyone would be if they got a note that didn't have hearts and the color pink all over it. Considering the fact that it lacked what it took to look like a love letter didn't help your overwhelming anxiety.

『  Smile  』【 Yandere!Kageyama x Reader 】Haikyuu!! BasedWhere stories live. Discover now