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The next few days were awful.

Kageyama hardly ever let you out of his sight, the only time he didn't see you was during the different classes you two had and when school ended after he walked you home. Sometimes he even forced you to go to his volleyball practices after school. This meant, that you had absolutely no time to spend with your friends. During your free time you would always be with Kageyama, against your will of course. This led to one of your friends being suspicious, and confronting you about your whereabouts during the free period.

"Look, nothing's wrong." You lied through your teeth.

"Are you sure? You've been spending so much time around him, and haven't been hanging out with us anymore." Misaki eyed you.

"Oh you know how people get when they fall in love, just give them time." Ayano backed you up.

"But . . ." Misaki trailed off. "It's just so unlike you, _____! You've never liked anyone, and I could tell that you were lying when you said you liked Ryuto, but I let you off because I'm your friend! Aren't friends supposed to be there for each other?" You bit your tongue, suppressing the urge to spill out the reason why you didn't hang around them anymore.

You were silent before an idea came to mind.

"Look, I'll make it up to you two. Let's all go the mall tomorrow this Saturday, okay?" You smiled, hoping they would want to go. You wanted to get your mind off things, and most of all, get away from Kageyama.

"The shopping outlet? Yeah, let's go!" Ayano exclaimed while the other sighed.

"Fine, but you better come." You laughed nervously at your friends remark. Truthfully, you were happy to once again be able to spend time with your friends, even if it was behind Kageyama's back.

As long as he doesn't find out, you'll be fine.

You spent the rest of the day avoiding Kageyama at all costs. Thankfully, it was Friday, so you wouldn't have to see him tomorrow. As soon as school ended, you bolted out of the room before anyone could stop you and ran home. You closed the front door to your house and locked it securely, you didn't want to take any chances after all. It suddenly came to your attention that you hadn't asked Kageyama if he actually was the one who killed Ryuto, but who else could it have been? The stakes were high that it was him, so you had only assumed what you felt was true.

'Maybe I should ask him.' You shook your head at the thought. 'No, I don't want to risk making him angry. God knows what he'll do.'

"Ryuto, I'm sorry . . ." Just the thought of Kageyama scared you to death, confronting him would be a whole different level of crazy.

You went to bed feeling guilty as hell, but Ryuto never left your thoughts. Of course you attended his funeral, you vividly remembered many of your classmates as well as others at the funeral to pay their respects. Many students cried, and none of their tears were fake. After all, Ryuto was a popular guy and had many friends. It was safe to say that he was liked by all of his peers, upperclassmen or under.

The next morning you woke up feeling rejuvenated, courtesy of not having to wake up at 6 am like on the weekdays. You stretched your arms and legs before getting out of bed to take a shower. Once you were dry, you decided to wear something simple and comfortable and not too flashy. You and your friends had decided on getting brunch together at a local cafe, the three of you knowing that when it was a Saturday, you all slept in.

You eventually arrived at the cafe, running towards your friends once you had spotted them. You greeted Ayano and Misaki with a bright smile, it felt so good to not be around Kageyama. Once you all found a seat inside the cafe, you were given a menu and ordered your usual meal for brunch, along with a cold drink of your preference.

『  Smile  』【 Yandere!Kageyama x Reader 】Haikyuu!! BasedWhere stories live. Discover now