F o u r

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Kageyama sat at his desk, hands folded and rested against his mouth. The air around him seemed dark, agitated, and painfully empty. His eyes narrowed at the wall in front of him.

Where was his precious _____?

He overheard something from the class _____ was in. That she moved away after her mother suspected a stalker from Karasuno High had dangerous intentions and feelings towards her daughter.


He wasn't stalking his dear _____, he was just making sure she was safe. It's only natural to want to protect your own lover from whatever unsuspecting threats there may be. Kageyama simply did not want to take any chances and decided to be cautious, what was wrong with that? He loved _____. How dare her own mother take his queen away from him after all he's done for her own daughter. He was not happy.


A scowl formed on Kageyama's face.

Oh, they hadn't seen dangerous yet.

You glanced outside your window from the seat you were in, not paying much attention to the lesson being taught. Today, it was a gloomy overcast filled with various different shades of grey clouds. Tooru still continued to attempt to converse with you after the incident which occurred a few days ago, but you gave him the cold shoulder every time he even breathed in your direction.

"Psst." You ignored the sound.

"Hey." Tooru said in a hushed voice.

"Hellooo?" He pouted once he wasn't able to get your attention. He stopped, which made your eyes flicker in his direction. He was writing. You assumed he was taking notes and turned your attention back outside. You heard something land on your desk. You glanced downwards. A note?

'Might as well give it a read.' You shrugged inwardly and opened the folded piece of paper.


Are you still mad at me? :(

- Oikawa

You scoffed as you crumpled up the note and then swiped it in his direction, which landed on the floor besides his desk. He sighed before writing once more, for a few seconds he stopped, then continued with a faint smile on his face. Another note landed in front of your hands, and of course curiosity got the best of you. You opened the note.


Come on, it was three days ago!! Please just talk to me...

Btw, your hair looks lovely today ~

- Oikawa

Today you wore your hair down for the very first time at this school, yes, you did get a few stares, but they didn't concern you. You raised an eyebrow at the compliment, before ripping a piece of paper from your own notebook. You wrote in quick strokes, making the note short. You folded the paper and flicked it swiftly, making it land perfectly on his desk. He opened the note, a small mix of interest and excitement showing in his eyes. You wondered why he would get this worked up over a simple note, especially since he must get tons of love letters on his shoe box every week.

Flattery will get you nowhere.

His expression seemed to sadden slightly. Suddenly, it started pouring down little droplets of water from the sky. Rain. As if perfectly on time, class ended and you immediately packed your things and left, and for the first time in the past three days, Tooru didn't chase after you.

Once school came to an end, you stayed behind to help a teacher transfer a few papers to her desk. Walking downstairs, you opened your shoe box and slipped your shoes on while sitting down at the front of the school entrance. Most of the students had left already, so you had assumed you were the only one left. You turned to the umbrella rack, but your umbrella wasn't there. You sort of had a delayed reaction, because it took you a few moments to register that you would have to walk home in the rain.

『  Smile  』【 Yandere!Kageyama x Reader 】Haikyuu!! BasedWhere stories live. Discover now