Part 1

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At shubman's house
Sports news were showing in his television
Shubman has been dropped from the reserves too (not in real).
The news was giving statements on him
Of how his career is finished.
How he is overrated and overhyped.
He feels like crying watching at this.
He calls Sara to talk to her and clear his mind(they're dating)
She doesn't pick up.
"She might be busy" he thinks.

Channel changed:

Breaking news

Kashish Suryavanshi , a 19 year old girl from an ordinary city gorakhpur of uttar pradesh has scored 710 in her neet exams

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Kashish Suryavanshi , a 19 year old girl from an ordinary city gorakhpur of uttar pradesh has scored 710 in her neet exams.
Her result reaction video got viral in which she was crying out of joy as she gave this exam her heart.
He saw the video on news.
Then her interview was being shown in which she says,
"Actually my parents never wanted a girl child and they got only me, so they were always upset about the fact that they don't have a son, which is why I wanted to prove myself which I clearly did." She smiled.

Shubman felt happy for the girl.
"Atleast somebody is getting to prove themselves." He murmured to himself.
She was telling her story to which shubman wanted to listen but was cut off by his phone ringing.
It was Sara.
He turned the TV off and picked the call.
"Sara where were you, have you seen the news ? They say my career is finished Sara. What do I do !!" He said in one go hoping that she will understand.

"So what wrong did the news reporter say?" Said Sara
Shubman was beyond shocked.
"What are you even saying , I'm just 24 years old, I have my entire life pending,  I want to achieve so much and how can you say my career is finished? "

"Because it is shubman" said Sara without caring
"Listen to me , India has got much better talents like abhishek sharma and yashasvi jaiswal."
"They don't need you shubman, and neither do I ."

Shubman felt his heart ripping.
"That means all that we had was just because of my fame" said Shubman

"Ofcourse it was"
"Shubman I am the daughter of Sachin Tendulkar,  also a doctor,  also I'm beautiful and I deserve better than just a sore loser" said Sara

Shubman couldn't say a word he just kept listening to what she said.
"Shubman your career is finished just go back to your small town and do farming"
"I'm breaking up with you"
She hung up.

He fell into his bed crying.
He never expected his downfall to end his career.
He changed his number and ended contact with everyone except his family.
He just disappeared.
Lost interest in everything and started to think of himself as a loser.

Two weeks passed and he was just lying in his bed while scrolling his instagram's fake account when he saw Sara's picture with abhishek sharma.(he deactivated his real account)
The caption said 'New prince of ICT'

Suddenly he switched on the TV hoping to find their dating rumours.
Instead  he sees the girl again.
The Girl he completely forgot about.
The girl who made her family proud.
He put up the volume.
She was getting awarded for her achievement by the prime minister.

He saw her dedicating the award to her father.
She had tears in her eyes.
Tears of joy.
He unintentionally smiled.
"Her parents must be so proud, unlike mine" He thought.

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