Part 8

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Shubman pov:
I was mentally devastated with what just happened.
Sara proposed me in front of abhishek.
And told him that she didn't like him the way she liked me.
That's a lie Ofcourse.
She left me when I fucking needed her.
I could see tears in abhishek's eyes.
I rejected her saying I don't love her anymore.
Which was true.
I felt nothing when I saw her except irritation.
She said she'll do anything to get me back and felt jealous when I was with Kashish.
Abhishek started to leave.
I stopped him.
He pushed me.
"You got what you wanted?  Happy now shubman? ": Abhishek
"What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't even talk to her."
I said
"But she loves you,  and that fact makes me hate you" said Abhishek grabbing my collar.
"This has happened before. Remember?  She left me and got with you, then did you think what I would have felt?" I said grabbing his collar.
"I always liked her dude, you always take everything that I want " said Abhishek loosening his grip.
"Abhi listen to me" I held his hand.
He jerked off and walked away.
I gave a disgusted look to Sara.
She tried coming close
"You need to fucking stay away from me or else I'll forget whose daughter you are " saying this I walk off.

Flashback ends.

I needed to clear my mind .
I want to talk to her .
She'll get me out of this.
The last time I tripped .
She saved me without even being in my life.
But now she's in my life too.
She can fix this
She can

I quickly go the room where she was and find nehal on the floor and the girl who always fights was helping him.
I did not even get introduced to these girls uptill now.
She asked me to be with Kashish.
Like waoo
I wanted that too.
But then I noticed nehal's hand.
It was bleeding .
I was tensed.
But the girl was taking good care of him
She ordered him and he followed her like a kid.
Then she told me Kashish fell of the bed.
And they left.

I saw kashish .
I sat next to her.
She was looking at me with a tensed expression.
I sat next to her.
"Did you get hurt when you fell off the bed" I asked out of concern.
"No I'm fine but I'm really sorry about everything, I'm causing you so much trouble" She said.
"You are the one who got me out of it" I mumbled making sure she doesn't hear me.
"You said something? " :Kashish
"I said it's completely fine , I'm the one who gave you this injury" : I said.
"No it's fine , I'm good and also I'm really sorry about mishthi "
She said.
Kashish explained me the whole scenario.
"These two are worse than kids " I said.
She just fake smiled.
"Your parents ?! Are they..." I said
"No no , they're good. I'm shocked too. They're really strict but didn't mind this" She said
"Yea I know" i said without realising.
Fuck ....
How to justify this now
She'll get to know I stalk her.
"How come do you know my parents are strict " She said
"When Sara told us about our video being viral on internet,  I guessed it with your reaction. " I tried to cover up.
"Oh that! Well Sara! You guys are dating right?" : Kashish
"You still don't know?" : I said
Pov ends

Kashish pov:
I shouldn't have asked him.
He'll think of me as a creep who's trying to invade his personal life.
"You still don't know" He said
My heart started beating fast.
For some reason I didn't want to get yes as an answer.
"Don't know what?" I managed to speak.
"She broke up with me last year." He said
Idk why
But that gave me some sort of happiness.
Kashish stop.
Do not go that way again okay.
Remember what happened last time?
You swore to your parents that you'd never date again.
Do not forget that.

But he was my crush
Obviously I still feel for him.
Do not
He's a cricketer.
He can have whoever he wants.
You're just an average girl.
Also he Gave his comeback.
Now girls will be dying to steal a glance of him.

When shubman came to return my purse at the stadium .
I was shocked.
I couldn't understand what to do.
My crush.
Shubman gill was standing in front of me.
But then I remembered my promise.
And walked away with a smile.
Flashback ends

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