Chapter 9

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An: As i already said. It will turn dark now. So if you are afraid, it might trigger you. Please check out the triggerwarnings in the coments in Chapter 8. Please take care of your mental health. 

"Maya. Come on Bambina Stay with me." Carina had managed to get Maya onto the bathroom floor and leaned her onto the wall next to it. She quickly went to get her phone. Maya needed to go to the hospital. She grabbed the blood pressure cuff and the thermometer out of the cabinet and came back to the bathroom. "Bambina. Talk to me." "It hurts, Carina. My stomach." "Okay. Can i feel?" Maya nodded. Carina quickly took of Mayas pants and panties. "I need to see how much you are bleeding, my love." Carina was carefull, but even when she just pressed lightly Maya groaned in pain. Carina put the cuff on her arm and diled 911. 

"Hello. My name is Carina Deluca. My wife is pregnant. 24 weeks she is bleeding vaginaly and her temp is 103.4. Her BP is 80 to 54. She is tachycardic and in a lot of pain." She gave the operator her adress and told them to hurry. While she was calling Maya was slipping in and out of conciousness. She was so tired and it was hard to focus on Carinas voice. Carina layed her down and put her legs up. "Stay with me, Bambina. The aid car will be here soon. Please. Please." Carina put her hands on Mayas belly to feel for the bambino. He wasn't moving. "Please be sleeping." Carina wispered. 

The ride to the hospital was a blur. Maya was in and out of consiousness and Carina got more and more worried about all the blood Maya was loosing. Carina had called Vic, because she was the one who lived closest. Vic had told her she couldn't come, but she would find someone for Kathy and not to worry. When they were almost at the hospital, Mayas arms started twitching. "Muscles spasms. Sweating, Fever. She only has one kidney. Shes in kidney failure." Carinas heart was racing. The paramedic hung another bag of fluids and told his collegue to drive faster. 

"What do we have?" Teddy asked. "Carina?" "Yes. Its Maya. Page OB. I think it might be a placental abruption and kidney failure. Maya only has one kindey left." "Okay. Carina. I got her. Teddy said putting a hand on the Italians shoulder. "Page OB, Nephrologhy and get me an OR and a Sonogram stat." "Please Teddy. Save them. He wasn't moving. Teddy. Please i can't loose Baby Andrea after i lost my brother." Teddys heart broke when she heard the name. She nodded and motioned for a nurse to take care of Carina. "Dr. Deluca. Come with me. Lets wash those hands." Nurse Julie said and guided Carina away form the trauma room. 

Ben heard Vics phone call. "Hey. Ben. Can you by chance go over to the Deluca-Bishops house? I'm in Portland." "Okay. What happend? Its the middle of the night." "I don't know a lot, but Carina said, Maya was bleeding a lot and she took her to the hospital. Kathy is home alone and she is going to be scared shitless if she wakes up and nobody is there." "Right. I'm gonna ask Miranda, because i still have the flu and i don't want Kathy to get it." "Shit sorry. I forgott you were sick. I already called Travis and Andy, but they both aren't answering their phones. "Its okay." Ben said and nugged his sleeping wife next to him. "Miranda?" "Hm?" "Mayas at the hospital and Kathy is home alone. Vic is in Portland and i am still sick, do you think you could?" "Yes. Let me just get dressed." "Miranda is going. Bye Vic." Ben said into his phone. "Thank you. Oh my god. I'll be back in the morning. Its a four hour drive if i start now. I'll be home by 8 or 9." "Don't speed. Please we can't have another one of us in the hospital." "Yeah. I was going to start driving at 8, but i don't think i could sleep." "See you in the morning." Ben said and hung up. "Okay. I am not working today, but it is summer break, so i'm gonna bring her into the hospital tomorrow." "They can't seem to catch a break, can they?" Bailey shook her head. "I'm gonna text you in the morning." She said and kissed her husband on the forhead. "Sleep well." "Thanks for doing this." "No problem. Thats what family does." Ben nodded. 

Carina could sit still. She was pacing up and down the waiting room. There were two other people waiting, but both of them seemed to be sleeping. Carina was tired, too, but she could't imagine, how she would even come close to sleeping right now. Jo, Teddy and two interns were working on Maya at the moment. It had been two hours. One intern had come and had told her that Maya was infact in Kindey failure and she had been put on Dialysis. But it was probably form the bloodloss and that it might bounce back. Carina had also been right with the palcental abruption and that there was a lot of bleeing, which they were currently trying to fix. Nothing about the bambino, nothing about wheater Maya would make it. 

Carina had sat down after the intern had talked to her. She saw Vic had texted her, that she was driving back up and that Miranda was with Kathy. Carina quickly texted Miranda a thank you and a update on Mayas condition and also texted Kathy were they were and what had happend. Sudenly she couldn't breath. What if Maya didn't wake up? What if Andrea didn't make it. 24 weeks was way too early. Would they be able to keep him inside? Had Maya lost to much blood? Were they looking at brain damage or similar? What if her kidney didn't bouce back. Maya had no blood family, so getting a donor kidney was highly unlikely. Her breathing got more and more erratic and irregular. She was seeing stars. Thats when she felt two strong hands on hers. "Carina? Carina?" Carina couldn't grasp who was talking to her. "Come on. Breathe. Hey. Breathe. Here." She felt something cold in her hands. "I'm going to put this in your neck, okay?" Carina didn't react. Then the cold spread down her back and she shivered. But her breathing calmed down. She noticed Dr. Webber infront of her. "Good. Good. Take deep breaths."  His thumb rubed over the back of her hand. "Its okay. I heard about your wife." "How?" Carina and Dr. Webber weren't exactly close. The just worked in the same hospital. "My surgery go pushed back." "Oh. Okay." "Its okay. I was going to get something to drink, when i saw you." Carina looked her her hands ashamed. "Sorry. It just got to much." "I get it. My wife lives with cancer." "Oh. I didn't know." "Yeah. But she is so strong. She fights it every day. Just like Maya will." Carina smiled. "Thank you." "You're welcome. Lets get a drink. Okay?" Carina nodded. She was exhaused. The panik attack had swallowed every bid of energy she had left, but Dr. Webber helped her up and put a hand on her lower back to support her. "Thank you." Carina said again. "You're welcome." 

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