Chapter 16

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TW: Pain, Broken bones, injury, surgery

Pain shot up her foot and it almost made her sick to her stomach. Everything hurt, but because she fell on her stomach and chest, she couldn't get air in for a few seconds. She panicked. Gasping for air rapidly. Once she could catch her breath she tryed to sit up, but that made the pain so intense her stomach turned and she lost the cereal she had just eaten. Kathy gasped. "Mom!" She tryed to yell, but it was weak. "MOOM!" This time it was a little louder. There were no doors inbetween her and Maya, so Maya had to have heard her. "MOOM! Mommy!" She tryed again. Tears spilling out. She had no phone and Maya didn't hear her.

"MOOOOM! please." She said and tryed to breathed through the waves of pain and nausea. When she looked at her foot it made her stomach revolt again, luckly without being sick. It was bent in a totaly wrong direction and definatly broken. "MOOM! HELP!" She sat there for ages, trying to think, but her brain was mush and the pain got more and more intense. 

Mayas throughts spiraled around. She felt like a total faliure. Her grief was so heavy she genuanly felt like she had a pneumothorax and her lungs couldn't expand. Now that the drung induced haze was gone, she was completely caught up in her destructive thoughts. Then she heard a voice. It was very distorted and weak. "Mom!" She listened again. "MOM Help!" Was it real? Did she just imagine it? Was this PTSD? "MOOOM!" No this was Kathys voice. Maya stumbled out of bed and caughed herself on the dresser next to the door to stop falling over from the headrush. Once her head had caught up with her she stumbled towards the voice. "Kathy?" Maya gasped. Her daugher lay at the foot of the stairs, her face twisted in pain, tears streaming down her face and throw up all over herself. "Kathy. Oh my god! What happend?" "I fell. Mom. It hurts." "Oh, sweety." "You didn't hear me." Kathy said. She felt so bad and she just couldn't hold it back. "I know. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." "I threw up." "Yeah. I'm here. I got you. What hurts?" "My foot. It looks really bad." "Mhm." Maya was shook. How did Kathy manage to hurt her foot so bad? "How far did you fall?" "Not so far." "Did you hit your head?" "Yeah." "But you didn't pass out?" Kathy shook her head. Maya checked her over. "We need to get to the hospital." "I can't move. I moved and i threw up. It hurt so bad." "I'm so sorry. I'm gonna go get my phone and some fresh clothes. I'll be right back."  "Promise?" Kathys voice sounded so weak, Mayas heart broke. She never wanted her daughter to worry she wasn't comming to her. "Promise. I got you. Okay." Maya kissed Kathys forehead and went upstairs. 

Just as she made it downstairs the doorbell rang. Maya opened. It was Teddy. "Oh thank god, Teddy. We need help. Kathy fell down the stairs." "Carina said she dropped a book on her foot?" "No. Well yeah. Last night. But she fell down the stairs like a few minutes ago and she is in so much pain and her foot looks horrible." Teddy nodded and followed Maya over to Kathy. "Hey. Oh yeah." Teddy said as she saw Kathy. "We are going to need an Aid Car. I'm scared if we move it its going to get damaged more." Maya nodded, she gave Teddy her phone, and helped Kathy out of the shirt and into a new one. Luckly the throw up was only on her T-shirt and not her pants that would have been more of an effort. 

"Maya?" Carina said on the phone. Maya had called her in the Aidcar. "Kathy fell down the stairs. We are in an Aidcar to Grey-Sloan." "What?" "She fell down the stairs and she hurt her foot, its bad." "Dio mio. Okay. We are comming." "See you." Mayas thoughts continued to spiral. Kathy was on the gurney holding onto her hand for dear live. Teddy gave her some painmeds in the aidcar but it was still really bad. Maya thought about how she hadn't showered in two weeks, that her clothes were a mess and she hadn't changed them probably in five days and nights. She hadn't been out of the house since Andreas funeral and she hadn't hear Kathy. Kathy had yelled for her and she hadn't heard her. She had been in agonizing pain and Maya hadn't come. She felt so bad. So So bad. She kept stroking Kathys hair back and wispering to her, but her brain was going a million miles an hour. 

"Where is she?" Carina said. "MRI" Maya said and got up to hug her wife. "Oh god, Carina. It looks so bad. Its really bad." Carina sat down with her. 

Kathy was cleared head injury wise and got some pretty heavy pain meds, that had made her sleepy. So after all the tests were done, she fell asleep next to her moms. "I need a shower." Maya said. "I know this is so inconvenient, but i haven't showered in weeks and i am getting really weird looks. I know i smell." "You do, Bambina. But so do i, a little bid." Carina said stroking Kathys had without the IV. "We can go up to the attendings lounge and take one. She is going to be out for a little bid and Teddy offered to sit with her." Maya nodded. "But we need to be quick and i need fresh clothes, too." "I have some in my office." "Okay." 

Maya and Carina shared a shower, but it wasn't the usual intimate thing, it was rushed and tense and both of them wanted to get back to their girl. Carina didn't notice Maya was crying until Maya sobed loudly. "Hey. Hey? Bambina? Whats going on?" "She yelled for me and i didn't hear her. I was so caughed up in grief and thoughts that i didn't hear her. She yelled for me and she cryed." "Oh Bambina." Carina felt for Maya. She had to get off her ADHD, Anxiety and Depression meds due to the painmeds she was getting, that had her get almost catatonic sometime, her brain to fast, body overstimulated. "I need to get back on my meds. I can't miss my daughter yelling in pain again. She was in so much pain. Carina. I almost threw up." "I know. I felt the same, when you called me." "Am i a bad mother?" "No. Bambina, you are dealing with so much right now. You are not a bad mother. It would be too much for anyone." "I'm so sorry." Maya cryed. Tears started to form in Carinas eyes, too. "I feel guilty, too. To be honest." "Why?" "I wasn't home. If i had been home..." "No stop. We can't change that. Its not your fault." "No, but its not yours either." 

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