My Savior Harry Styles

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Hi guys! I'm new to Wattpad and this is my first fanfic I have written. I would really appreciate it if you would read this and comment if I should continue or not because I'm not too sure if I should. If I do continue, I'll try my hardest to update once a week but there are no guarantees because I am always so busy. Here goes nothing...

P.S. A song that summarizes this whole fanfic is Carry On by Fun


Jennifer's POV

I watched with wide eyes as my boyfriend got down on one knee and nervously looked up at me, which was weird because he is usually so confident around me.

I gasped as he pulled out a little black box from his back pocket.


His deep breath shook me from my shocked state as he uttered those five little words that made me feel like I was the luckiest girl in the world. "Jennifer, will you marry me?"

I'm sorry I forget to introduce myself. My name is Jennifer Daniels, I am 18 years old, I live in Cheshire, England and this is my story.

To help you understand I'm going back to the beginning.

When I was 8 years old, my mother died in a terrible car accident. A transport truck hit her head on after her car slipped into the right lane from icy conditions.

She was my world, my everything and the day that me and my father received a call from the emergency room saying that she had died almost instantly, shattered my life into pieces.

My father and I loved my mother so much that we both ended up going into a state of depression shortly after her death.

I stopped going to school, quit my soccer and basketball teams, and lost all of my friends.

My father on the other hand decided to start drinking and smoking to help him deal with the loss.

In just a few short months, my house had gone from a healthy, happy, loving, family environment, to an intoxicated hell-hole.

My dad would go out all day and come back at night either so drunk or so high that he just passed out right away.

It was like I was invisible and I was left to pretty much raise myself.

But then one day he came home and noticed me.

I was so happy that I was recognised by him but all he did was beat me to a pulp.

That day still burns fresh in my mind and I imagine that it will never go away.

Ever since that day, my dad has found pleasure in abusing me. I know poor me right?

(10 years in the future)

Today was January 11, and it was an especially depressing day.

It was the 10 year anniversary of the day my mother died.

The sound of the front door unlocking and closing made me shudder.

"Great," I thought bracing myself for what was to come to me.

He always drinks extra on this depressing day.

"Where are you, you little b***h?" I heard my father scream from downstairs.

I didn't answer but soon regretted it knowing I would pay for that as soon as I heard him stomping up the stairs.

"There you are," he said as he appeared in my doorway. "Why didn't you answer me you wh**e?"

My Saviour, Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now