Plot Twist...

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Jen's POV

My eyelids fluttered opened and a beautiful sound filled my ears. It was not my alarm clock for once which made me look over at it, checking the time.

I still had an hour before work.

I relaxed into the bed a little more and rolled over. To my surprise, there was no Harry.

I listened to the sound once again and felt everything click together in my mind.

I slowly got up, slipping on my slippers and shuffling into the living room.

There he was, just as I suspected.

Harry was seated at the small piano we had up against a wall in the living room.

I've never heard anyone play it before, until today.

He was passionately pounding on the keys, creating beautiful chords and harmonys on the small piano.

I quietly shuffled closer to him, enjoying the music.

When I was behind him I rubbed his shoulders lightly.

He jumped at first but then relaxed and continued on his song.

I draped my arms over his chest and placed my head on his shoulder.

I was the perfect height to do this and I closed my eyes once my head was resting comfortably in the crook of Harry's neck.

He played for a few more minutes, approaching the end of the delightful song as he finished with a beautiful glissando.

When the last note faded, Harry closed his eyes, his breathing heavy from being so committed to the song.

I kissed his cheek gently as his eyes fluttered open.

"I never knew you played the piano and I especially didn't know that you are a mini Beethoven." I whispered into his ear, causing him to chuckle.

"I just play a little." He responded quietly.

I kissed his cheek once more before lifting my head up and allowing him to stand.

"Oh please, that was amazing!" I exclaimed when I was face to face with him. "Where did you learn how to play like that?"

He shrugged. "My mom always loved the piano and put me in lessons when I was young. It just kinda stuck with me."

"No kidding." I said under my breath.

Harry smiled at me in response.

"What?" I pouted at him.

"You are just so perfect." He winked cheekily.

I playfully shoved him. "Woah there tiger, you sure you got the right girl?"

"Definitely." He whispered, pecking my lips. "Now how about some breakfast?" He announced, playfully slapping my bum as he walked away towards the kitchen.

I giggled. "You cheeky cheeky boy." I yelled after him.

I couldn't help but stare and smile as he walked away.

I had really got lucky with finding him.

But little did I know, my luck was about to change...


It was mid-day. Work was quiet and the only sound was the old ladies gossiping in the corner and munching on food.

I sighed to myself, just wanting to get home. I haven't seen the girls in forever and we were gonna go out for drinks tonight.

My Saviour, Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now