Putting Them Back Together

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Jen's POV

(The next day)

I know what you're thinking. Why the h*ll would I forgive him so quickly.

He scarred me physically and emotionally and I would never forget that.

He brought back old nightmares that I thought I had erased.

He hurt me.

But, I had thought this through. I weighed the pros and cons.

Harry had also helped me through rough times.

Took me in off the streets.

Saved me.

And most importantly...

He had loved me.

And I had agreed to love him again, if he stopped drinking.

I knew that I could not relive my past of empty bottles and a broken soul.

I knew Harry would stop. He is just that type of loving person. I feel like he would do anything for me and vice versa.

We would start fresh and take our relationship slow because once again, I was having trust issues.

Speaking of Harry, I heard a quiet knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in." I said quietly, while sitting down on my bed.

I watched the door handle turn and was surprised to see Niall.

He had been such a sweetheart these past few days and I don't know what I would have done without him.

He walked in quietly and sat down next to me.

"Need something?" I giggled at his randomness.

"No, I was just wondering if you needed a talk." Niall said quietly while looking up at me.

I smiled at his thoughtfulness. "I'm ok now. But thanks." I said before leaning over and kissing him on the cheek.

I watched as he instantly turned red. "Jen, I-I-uh." He choked.

I laughed. "Niall, I love you like the brother I've never had and that was just a thank you. I know you love Brianna."

I saw him relax. "So, you and Harry are good I'm guessing?"

"Yes. I think we just need to start over and take it slow." I said confidently.

Niall eyed me suspiciously.

"And what if he gets drunk again?"

"That won't happen." I stated. "He promised to stop drinking for me. That's why I forgave him so quickly."

Niall's eyebrow raised and he sighed. "Jen, I'm so happy for the both of you. Harry's my best mate and I know how he can be when he's drunk. I'm just so glad that you could forgive him."

"Awww, Niaaaallllll." I cooed. "What a sweet friend."

"Yeah, yeah," Niall swatted the air. "Whatever."

We exchanged a smile before Harry's head poked in the door.

"Oh, uh, am I interrupting something?" He asked shyly.

I giggled. "Nope. Come on in."

I could see Harry's relief as he walked towards Niall and I.

He came and sat down on the other side of me at the same time that Niall stood up.

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