Chapter 3: Let's talk about death and its delights

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*Xol's POV*

I slept like I haven't done it for a long time, the sweet fragrance of the anklet's that lies on the nightstand lulled me to sleep like a baby.

I communicate with Coy through mind link so that he gets ready in my office to discuss the duties that we have before making an appearance at the banquet.

After a quick shower, I head to the office, Coy is waiting for me along with a couple of our undercover agents.

Before I could say anything, I heard Coy through the mind link.

"Good morning, looks like someone got their sheets stuck this morning!'

"Hey! It's the first time in 500 years that I've managed to sleep like this, give me a break!"

"Hahahaha, it must have been a long walk to have managed to get you so tired, or is it because you had some action and she left you exhausted? Hahahaha."

"Neither, and I don't go from bed to bed like you. One of these days you are going to catch something, and you're going to lose that thing that makes you so proud!"

"No, no, no, no! Anything but that! I prefer death to a life without tasting the sweet nectar of love. Besides, it's not my fault; they want it, so I let them!"

<Close mind link>

"Good morning, gentlemen. Sorry for the delay; I had an unforeseen event this morning. We have various issues to discuss, and it is imperative that, using the excuse of the banquet, we can come up with concrete answers as to what is really happening with all the disappearances; I want names, I want witnesses, and most of all, I want to find the truth.

Tlax, Mic, you are traveling today. I want you to prepare everything for our arrival, but I do not want anyone to find out that we will be there. I do not want to give the packs an opportunity to act according to our presence. We are going to see what they are up to and let the heads fall."

The meeting lasts for a couple of hours, fine-tuning details, agendas, and strategies. A couple of centuries have passed since someone from the family has made an appearance in Metztili, and more and more rumors that the alphas are becoming more violent, blood thirst, and there is no one who does not miss an opportunity to expand their territory. It is time to put a stop to them.

Tlax and Mic say goodbye and go to work without wasting time. Before they could close the door, Pili announced her presence, carrying a tray of food for Coy and me, of course.

She wiggles her hips in that tight suit that outlines all the curves of her body. She leans in front of me, placing the tray in the dining area, letting me see a deeper view of her cleavage.

"I brought you food, and maybe dessert too."

She snaps out of her mouth with a flirtatious smile. Pili is pretty, tall with light skin and short black hair, big eyes and thin lips, long legs and curves where she has to have them. I can't deny that she is a pleasure to look at, but over the years she has become more and more insistent with me.

She has become a pain in my ass. I regret the night I let her in my bed; that only made her aspirations grow. The only good thing is that I don't spend much time here, so I don't have to put up with her.

"Woo-hoo! What did you bring us today, 'Pils'?"

Coy intervenes without giving much importance to Pili's intention, uncovering the tray placed in front of us. On the tray, neatly arranged, lie a pair of T-bone steaks, perfectly seared and pink in the center, two large pieces of bone marrow to spread on them.

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