Chapter 5: The emperor's torment

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Huitz's POV

I order Xali to leave us as I approach my father, who sits slumped in front of a half-eaten tray of food. Without a word, he waves her away with a dismissive flick of his hand.

"Father, I've come to speak about Zana," I say quickly, cutting off any response. I brace myself for the storm that is about to unleash.

His face flushes. His expression transforms into something almost demonic. His eyes flash black for an instant before returning to their original brown. With a growl, he slams his fist onto the wooden table, leaving a visible dent beneath his knuckles.

I bend to my knees in a sign of respect; after all, he is still the rightful alpha of the pack, despite naming me his successor.

"Please, Father, just listen to what I want to say."

My father interrupts me. His head is still bowed, but he slowly lifts his eyes to meet mine, raising a finger to his lips in a gesture of silence. For a fraction of a second, I could swear I see a small grin. Then he speaks, "I don't want to hear anything about that filthy snake. I have forbidden you and everyone to mention her name in my presence!"

"I know, but I didn't come to speak about forgiving her. Just hear me out."

My father snarls dismissively and gets close to me, watching me from my kneeling position in front of him.

"You think I don't know you visited her last night? That she begged you to plead on her behalf?"

"I know, Father. But I didn't promise to fulfill her request. I have a plan to ease your anger and restore your health. If you let this hatred consume you, the Moon Goddess may take you from us forever."

"You fool boy, if only the Moon Goddess could do that; She would be doing me a favor," he says.

"Father, you cannot kill Zana. If you kill her, the gods will punish the entire pack, and we will be cursed for eternity. That is against our pack's sacred oath."

"She broke it. She ended innocent lives. She killed your mother. She almost killed you too!" My father's outburst is almost painful to my ears.

"I know! I know. It was my fault. I should have stopped her, but-"

"Enough! You were her first victim. She knew you were the only one who could thwart her plan, and she played her cards perfectly, never expecting me to return to my Mate."

"Father, please. Dwelling on these memories will only make you sicker. I was thinking, Zana might find her mate at the banquet tomorrow night. She's of age now. All the unmated alphas and betas will be there. Even if she doesn't find her destined mate, one might take her as their chosen mate."

"Ugh, Xali was saying the same thing last night. But why should I allow her that privilege?"

"She is still a princess. She is still your daughter, the only daughter of the Alpha of the biggest pack of our era."

"SHE MURDERED MY MATE, YOUR MOTHER. SHE WILL NEVER BE WORTHY OF ANYTHING!" My father's roars are so loud I can see the glass of the windows shaking, threatening to burst into a million pieces.

"I KNOW! I know, but still, our laws are very clear. She cannot die by your hand, but you can send her away. Far, far away. You can cut her ties to these lands, make her a rogue to us once she leaves our territory. The shamans can cast the spell."

"Get out. I'm tired. Go to your place. I don't want to discuss this anymore. I need to think. Tell Xali to bring my medicines. Leave, and child, I forbid you to see her or speak to her ever again. That is an order. If you disobey me one more time, I will lock you in the dungeons until you learn your lesson."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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