Chapter 2: Midnight Dancer and the Beast in the Dark

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*Zana's POV*

Upon reaching the esplanade, the Moon is at its highest point. If it weren't for it, I would be wrapped in total darkness in the valley. Without losing another second, I tie my coyoles and let the lub-dub sound of my heart mark my steps as if it were the rhythm of the drums. I begin to move my feet, my hips, my waist until my body finds itself dancing in a fervent prayer to the Moon goddess; the same as every night, the same that has been for years.

"Please Moon goddess, allow me to be listened by my father, let my voice cross the barrier of his heart and allow me to explain to him that it was not me, that I only tried to defend her. Please mother Luna, listen to my prayer and this sacrifice."

I continue dancing; I no longer feel the pain on my bare feet. After so long, the rattling of the coyoles echoes, resounding in the silence of the night, and I can feel the breeze of the wind refreshing my body, which seems to be on fire.

The sweat that runs through my body due to the intensity of the dance falls to the floor like raindrops and mixes with the reddish stains of the blood that has begun to emanate from my feet. But I don't care; this sacrifice is for her and for me.

But, after so many nights, today something doesn't feel the same. I feel restless and I feel like I'm being watched, as if I weren't alone.

I decide to ignore that feeling and continue dancing until my body is about to fall exhausted. With a last prayer, I stop, looking at the sky and feeling the light of my mother Moon illuminating my face. I can't help the tears that escape from my eyes. "Moon goddess, open my father's eyes, make him see how much I miss him and how much I need my daddy back."

As I raise a last prayer in silence, at that moment I hear a low and terrifying growl that comes from the darkness. My skin reacts to the fear that it has caused me. I try to focus my gaze towards the place where that fierce growl was heard, and then I saw it.

Almost as black as the darkest night, a huge beast with black fur that seemed to glow blue under the moonlight, eyes so black that they looked like empty sockets.

Even from the distance I was from the beast, I could tell that it was easily more than 3 meters tall. There it was, staring at me. And then, I saw it raising its snout, sniffing the air, like a beast stalking its prey. I could see how it began to salivate, closing those black orbs that had not stopped watching me.

And as if my body had a consciousness of its own, I ran as fast as I could to get away from whoever that was.

Everything had happened so quickly, but those moments had seemed eternal. I had never been so terrified; I still am. If that beast catches me, this will be the last night my eyes will see the light of the moon.

I run as fast as I can, until I feel sure that it is not following me. If it did, there would be no chance for me to escape from such a beast. I have never seen a Lycan so big and, above everything, so intimidating. Not even my father has caused me so much fear.

Just thinking about those deep black orbs following my every move, it was like it could see every single hair on my skin prickling with fear. But for some reason, there was something else that I can't figure out. And it's that for a moment all I could think about was running my hands over the top of his head, burying my face in his neck, and feeling the softness of his fur tickling my face.

I'm sure of something: that Lycan is not part of my pack, and for some reason, he didn't give off that unpleasant smell of rotten meat and swampy water that Lina describes as the stench of rogues, beasts without a pack, without a clan, soulless beasts, thirsty for blood and death.

But this lycan is different; he exuded authority, and the scent emanating from him so overpowering, almost intoxicating, like dark chocolate, fresh mint and the fresh scent of the forest morning dew. My heart flutters as I remember those seconds standing in front of him. Who was he, what was he doing there, and why didn't he attack me?

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