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It's official. Mick is in.

We're all sat down in the living room, drinking beers and chugging bottles of jack. We've gotten to know Mick really well. He's quite a bit older than us but we don't mind, he's like the dad of the group already. Nikki and Kim are sat super close, their arms linked and Kim's legs are resting on his lap. I give her a weird look, i mean, we all joke about them being together, but maybe they might actually work out. She looks back at me strangely too, wondering what i'm looking at. I'm sat with Tommy of course, in the same position as Kim is with Nikki, accept Tommy has his arm around my shoulders. Tommy nudges me as Mick is talking with Nikki about some guitar shit. "They're definitely hooking up" Tommy whispers to me. I look up at him and laugh quietly. "Wouldn't be surprised, Nikki is obsessed" I whisper back. Tommy laughs too and nods his head. "Has Kim said anything to you about him?" He asks me, curiously. I shake my head. "Not really, we haven't spoken that much lately. She likes to make guys wait a while though, doesn't want to seem desperate." I reply. I really do hope that her and Nikki will work out, soon. They blend together so fucking well, and she's never been happier. Tommy smiles. "Yeah, I guess you're nothing like that, you just take who you can get" Tommy says, with a stupid grin on his face, obviously trying to tease me. I punch him lightly in the stomach. "You're such a jerk" I say, laughing slightly. Tommy laughs, wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. "I'm joking Ken, jeez" He laughs.

"Hey assholes! You've been whispering back and forth for like five minutes, shut the hell up" Nikki shouts. Tommy and I look at each other laughing once more before he kisses my nose and we get back to the conversation with the others. Kim looks at me and smirks. "Anyway what I was saying, when you guys were having a fucking love fest. Was that we need a singer." Nikki says, annoyed that he has to repeat himself. He sighs, "What we need is a dude that looks like David Lee Roth, but has the vibe of fucking Bowie" Nikki declares, taking a swig of jack as he does so. "So we need a skinny blonde fucker with moves" Mick adds. Tommy and I both nod our heads before he, Kim and I quickly look at each other, like we've just cracked the code in a spy movie. "VINCE" we all shout in unison. Nikki and Mick look confused as hell. "Who?" Mick asks, with his arms crossed in confusion. "Vince! He's some guy who goes to our school" Kim states. Vince is fucking perfect for this band. He has one of the best voices i've heard since Elvis and just would fit in so fucking well with the boys. Plus his current band Rock Candy sucks, it's all new wave shit, Vince is better than all that. "I heard there's a preppy ass party at some chicks house, where his band is playing. We could check it out" Tommy adds. I know Nikki will approve of him, but then again, it's Nikki. You never know what's going through his nasty ass brain. Nikki nods his head and grabs Mick's car keys. "Let's go then" He says, we all follow behind him like sheep.

Nikki hops into the drivers seat, even though it's Mick's car. Classic Nikki. "You're fucking dead, get out dick!" Mick shouts as Nikki shuts the car door. Mick rolls his eyes and gets into the passenger side. "Dude i don't want it to look like my dad is driving us man" Nikki says while staring the engine. Mick scoffs. Me, Kim and Tommy sit in the back, Tommy in the middle. "Fuck Nikki do I have to sit in the back with these two?" Kim whines as she taps Nikki's shoulder. Nikki laughs, Mick does a little too. Tommy sticks his tounge out at her, while holding my hand. "Why? What's wrong with us?" I say sarcastically, trying to wind her up. She rolls her eyes and sits back in the seat as we drive off.

We drive around the suburban neighbourhoods of LA until we find a house with lots of cars parked out the front of it because Tommys directions were no help. After about 10 minutes of driving around we finally find a grand ass house, not far from mine and Kim's old places. The house is bright white, with loud music blasting from the green backyard. We all get out the car and walk towards the gate, which looks like the entrance to where the party is.

And Tommy was right. Masses of preppies. Kim and I get dodgy looks from blonde girls in shorts and vests, just because we're chicks wearing black leather. Bitches. Tommy says a few 'hellos' to people he knows from school, but the rest of us have no idea who these people are, even me and Kim. To be honest I always forget that we only went to school here for like two days. We all go over to a table with drinks on. Mick of course goes for the bottle of jack and just drinks it straight from the bottle. I don't even wanna know how many germs will be on that. Tommy pours Kim and I cups of vodka each. We look over to the stage, and it's no other than Vince Neil performing 'My Kinda Lover', with his band Rock Candy. Jesus girls are swooning over him like he's famous or some shit. They're dancing and singing along with Vince, he's really the chick magnet. "Fucking cover band?" Mick says, not impressed. Vince is dancing on stage, it seems like the moves come so naturally to him. "K that is exactly who we need" Tommy shouts over the music to Nikki, while pointing at Vince. Nikki seems impressed by how many girls are all over Vince, since that's what Nikki wants. Female attention for the band, he says it's 'what it's all about'. "Voice ain't bad" Mick adds. Nikki laughs, "I don't care if he can sing or not, look at what he's doing to those chicks" Nikki replies. He's not wrong, they're all over Vince. Kim and I nod our heads in agreement. "YEAH WE'RE ROCK CANDY!!" Vince shouts into the microphone, reaching his arm up to the sky. Everyone claps for him, including me and Kim, as he did rock. "Yeah Vinnie!" Tommy shouts as Vince steps down from the stage, the chicks following him already, but surprisingly he brushes them off and goes to get a drink.

Tommy taps my shoulder and walks over to Vince. Kim and I follow him, leaving Nikki and Mick to be awkwardly out of place on their own. Tommy laughs and pushes Vince lightly on the shoulder, as his back is turned to us. Kim and I stand a few steps away from the two, linked arms and laughing about Vince, only joking of course. "Now would you get a load of this blonde haired bitch" Tommy says, as Vince turns around, his face lighting up. "Tommy, damn!" Vince replies, grinning and high-fiving Tommy. Vince laughs and looks behind Tommy to see Kim and I. "Hey Vince!" We both say flirtatiously in unison, wiggling our fingers, with grins on our faces. Vince runs over to us and wraps his arms around us both. "I was wondering when I'd see you ladies again!" He says smugly. We both laugh, excited to see him again too. Vince squeezes in between us and puts his arms around our shoulders. "I'm in a new band now man, with those dudes over there" Tommy says, pointing over to Nikki and Mick, who are watching us, patiently waiting for Tommy to get to the point of why we're even even at this shitty party. Nikki gives Vince a creepy grin and wave whereas Mick just looks at his watch, fed up. Vince nods his head and Tommy gives him a cassette tape. He takes it and looks at it, confused. "We want you to be our singer man! Just listen to the tape and come over for an audition. The address is on the front." Tommy exclaims, patting Vince on the shoulder and grabbing my hand as a sign to go, dragging me with him, Kim following behind us after saying bye to Vince. We all walk back to Nikki and Mick. "Come on, let's get out of this shit hole" Nikki says after snatching the bottle of jack from Mick and walking off. Us, again, are following after him, and back in Micks' car, that Nikki thinks he owns. Like everything and everyone else.

Love, KennaWhere stories live. Discover now