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Two days later. It's 12am. The Whisky's prime time for partying. Kim and I leave the house, the boys are wondering where we're going, but they need to understand that we can have fun without them too. Kim and I walk hand in hand to the Whisky, hoping that our friend from the other night is lurking around somewhere.

We rush into the Whisky and make our way to the bar, already spotting him. "Billy!" we both shout, waving our arms as we walk closer to him. His face lights up, hugging us. "I was wondering when I'd see you ladies again!" He replies, smiling, as we sit down at the bar. "Thirsty?" He asks us. I smile and get out $10, that was up my sleeve. "It's on us" I say, winking. Billy smirks as I order the three of us drinks. We get them and sit down at a booth, away from everyone else, so we can fucking hear each other. "So where's your psycho boyfriend?" Billy asks me, while spinning the straw around in this drink. I sigh, "I broke up with him, he sucked ass anyway" I say, obviously not meaning it. Must be the alcohol kicking in already. Billy chuckles and nudges Kim. "You wanna dance with me Kimmy?" He asks her. Kim laughs as Billy pulls her up from the booth and drags her over to everyone else. "Kenna get over here!" He shouts. I walk over, chuckling. If the guys saw this, they'd go fucking berserk, but a part of me wants them to see us with Billy, only so they could feel like they've been replaced.

To my surprise, the four walk in like they own the place. I see Tommy pointing at us, as they walk over smugly. Nikki pushes Billy, who is dancing close to Kim. "Hey fuck off asshole" Nikki shouts at Billy, while shoving him away from Kim. Can't he just leave us alone? "You wanna start something Sixx?" Billy shouts back, ready to fight. Nikki lifts up his fist before Kim grabs his arm. "Nikki go away" Kim shouts, finally snapping as she's had enough of him just as much as i have. "Yeah Nikki fuck off" I shout, pushing him. His face scrunches up, he's fucking mad now. "Come closer and see what happens" Nikki replies, trying to intimidate me. The other three just stand behind him like minions. "Nikki...back off man" Tommy adds, tapping him on the shoulder. He spits on the floor, and the band walks away, but as they're walking, Tommy looks back at me. He looks sorry. Maybe this was a bad idea.

"Jesus what wimps" Billy says, laughing. Kim and I both look at each other, we know what we have to do. "Billy, we have to go" Kim says, hugging him. I hug him too. He was nice, caused problems, but fun to have around. Maybe we'll cross paths again. I hope so. "That's too bad. I'll maybe see you girls later" He says looking down at the floor, sadly. Kim and I kiss Billy on the cheek before leaving him. We've only got one job to do now, sort out these boys. They sure are hard fucking work.

We arrive at the Mötley House, music blaring as we climb through the window, as we had to nail the door to the frame, because the cops broke it down. Cops are such pigs, i've never liked them. Whenever i tried to get away from my mother, she'd always send out search parties for me. She didn't even care that I was gone, the bitch just didn't want her image to be damaged because of her 'runway' daughter. We climb inside and slam the window, only to find Nikki and Tommy laid down on the couch, smoking and drinking, (the usual). Nikki looks over his shoulder and smirks, "Come, join us" he says, waving his arm in the air. The two of us walk towards them. "Can we um...talk" I say, sitting down on the armchair, with Kim. "Go ahead" Nikki replies, chugging a bottle of jack. "We know that Billy shit was messed up but you guys were idiots too, you do realise that right?" I say, Nikki just nodding his head and Tommy doesn't even look like he knows where he is. Kim sighs, "We don't want this feud to be never ending, we miss hanging out with you guys" Kim adds, making Nikki smirk. "Nah it's all good, we were just fucking with you" Tommy says as they both burst out into laughter. Kim and I look at each other, confused. "Seriously?" Kim asks. Nikki stops laughing and stands up, with the bottle of jack in his hand. He puts his arm around Kim's shoulders. "It's all good, just don't be bitches" Nikki says. He then walks into his room and slams the door. Tommy then walks over to us. "I'd kiss you goodnight, but i don't want whatever std's that Billy fucker has." Tommy says, laughing. "Wasn't expecting one" I say, patting him on the shoulder, before he walks into his and Nikki's room, leaving me and Kim into bursts of laughter. What the fuck just happened.

Love, KennaWhere stories live. Discover now