Let's be serious now

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*capsicle created Mission Talk Only* 

*capsicle added tin can, pose girl, jolly rancher, bow man, mr pop tart, pigeon, webster, sparkle fingers, metal man and Y/N*

capsicle: this group chat is for mission talk only guys, i.e Y/N

Y/N: bitch! i literally only do serious shit

tin can: ok we have a very important mission tomorrow

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tin can: ok we have a very important mission tomorrow.

capsicle: whats the mission?


capsicle: Y/N STOP!!!!

Y/N: it was a demon!!!

capsicle: demon?

tin can: Y/N stop. we're being serious

Y/N: so am i!

metal man: that was kind of funny though.

Y/N: thank you for agreeing! 

capsicle: bucky dont side with them!

metal man: what? it was funny

mr pop tart: hello mortals. I have learnt how to use the button to separate words.

Y/N: u mean the space bar???

mr pop tart: yes.



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webster: Y/N your dads back with the milk!

capsicle: gen z kids are beyond me...

tin can: GUYS! serious now!


tin can: aggresive. doing what?

webster: shes crying

capsicle: Y/N are you ok?


metal man: creepy. why did it make you cry?


capsicle: ok and?

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capsicle: ok and?

Y/N: he looks so innocent! with his love me tender eyes and his adorable little sweet face!

metal man: you do realise im right here?

tin can: ok so... your crying because he looks innocent?

webster: theyre crying in my arms right now, Mr Stark what do i do?

tin can: uhm...

capsicle: i googled it. it says, recognize when you feel their emotions of sadness, embarrassment, or pain. Acknowledge the connection you feel with the person. Don't hold onto their emotions. Exhale and relax your body. Release any tension you are holding. Let the emotion subside while still feeling compassion.

webster: huh? das ist bullshit xoxo gossip girl

green jolly rancher: gossip girl?

webster: they took my phone

tin can: was that you peter or Y/N?

Y/N: i ran away with peters phone but it locked and im sad agin

capsicle: ok im going to pretend that didnt happen. Tony, whats the mission?

tin can: so we have to infiltrate the old HYDRA base in Siberia to collect the old data, machinery and basically anything we can find.

metal man: who do you need?

tin can: Ideally, Steve, Bucky, Peter, Y/N (only if YOU BEHAVE) and Sam.

pigeon: ok im in

webster: HAHA I GOT MY PHONE BACK!!! oh and ill come on the mission

Y/N: ill come too but... no promises on behaving

capsicle: oh my god

Y/N: Black widow

pose girl: yes?

Y/N: Iron man

tin can: what?

Y/N: Thor

mr pop tart: Yes mortal?

Y/N: Captain America

capsicle: Y/N what are you doing?

Y/N: Hulk

green jolly rancher: yes?

Y/N: together they are... BITCH

capsicle: what? oh... language!

webster: actually... BWIMTCAH

Y/N: dont ruin my fun!!!!

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