The ( S ) Note

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20 May 2024,

I am now dead.
Killed by corporate slavery,
Killed by years of heartbreaks,
In the end I keep asking myself,
Is this my end?
A Stranger to you,
A Stranger to me,
Now also to this city.

All of your pain was mine
I shared it with my soul
Was my pain yours?
Is it still?

I think you would have waited enough
You don't have to anymore.
And perhaps when I die,
that is when the real search will begin.
I will die and I will never be dead.
But I hope I am found when I am dead, 
because all my life I was lost.

Now that I'm dead is it a win for me?
Or is it a loss for you?

Perhaps it would be the best thing to have me as a memory rather than be there

It has been done,
I have achieved rock bottom,
I'm completely hollow,
And there won't be anything left for the worms to eat off from.
The only thing that exists,
Is a hollow shell,
A house with nobody around who can live in,
A heart with nobody to give to,
A life that is not great enough to live through :)

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