princess birthday party (1)

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In his small garden of tulips lay a boy with beautiful white waist length hair

"...." he hummed softly as he watered the tulips, tulips where always his favorite flowers and he found peace in taking care of them

"Your highness!" A man with brown hair and some gray hair came running to Apollo

Apollo turned around and out stretched his arms towards the man and he didn't hesitate to pick up the child

"Your highness we have to get you all cleaned up ok? We have to get you ready for the princess birthday party"

Apollo rested his cheek on the man's shoulders, about a mouth past since he got here and hit was now hus sisters birthday today

In this past month he avoided his family and saved up two sliver coin, but to get out of thus place safely he need about 60 gold or 100 gold coins, he also got his place to look at least a bit decent there's still cracks but it's clean

"Luis can we bake something first..?" Apollo asked shakily

"Luis smiled softly we can but after we clean you up ok? We have 3 hours to get ready ok?"

Apollo nodded and rubbed his cheek against Luis's cheek and his response he chuckled and pinched his cheek

Apollo felted as the time pasted with Luis that this wasn't a punishment and and as time passed he felt more and more happy he still missed his family but sometimes the best way to heal is letting go and healing at your own time

Luis was now washing Apollo's hair and Apollo played with the water, he no's he is being childish but it's been now two life times he was reborn or reincarnated as a child so of course he sometimes act his new age

"L-Luis hurry hurry! I want to bake soon.."

Luis was washing Apollo's hair and hearing the child's demand he just smiled helplessly and moved a bit faster

"All done now master~" Luis said as he finished dressing the young boy

Apollo stared at the boy in the mirror and was a bit token aback

The boys face was small and tender with very cubby cheeks and rosey skin, his slinky locks was tied into a ponytail and was curl, his golden eyes was clear and gentle his lips was soft and pink

He was beautiful and his white and blue clothes made him even prettier, with a soft white shirt with ruffles at the shoulders and hands and a light baby blue vest with soft golden embroidery on it, his pants was knee length with white socks to pair

"Highness don't move too.nych I still need to put on your shoes" as Luis said that he gently started to push the black shoes on his small feet

After putting on the shose Luis looked at the time

"Oh goddess! We only have a hour to reach the main castle!"

Apollo frown but didn't complain when the butler hurryly picked him up

He just sighed he has to make his desert after this party after all the main castle was about 2 hours away from here by foot but by car it will be cut to 1hr and 10 minutes so by default he will be late late and late

He doesn't care tho he has never cared for anyone in thus life except from his Luis..

He tighten his girp on the butlers neck but the butler didn't seem to care 

Luis placed the child in the 'car' but the kid refused to let go

"Your highness..."

Apollo didn't say anything but his ever so tightening grip said a lot

"Ok ok I will follow your highness"

"Hurry up and go in we don't have a day!" The couch men said harshly

And Luis hurryly hopped into the 'car'

Soon the 'car' startled to move and Apollo looked out the window

He saw a lot of trees as the 'car' moved he started to think in a few months Hua birthday will come up he wondered if he can get a big party like in his last life with Luis? But then again he is broke and his mother will probably not allow it but it doesn't matter she doesn't matter He had a great mother in his last life he doesn't need a new one and like wise he doesn't need a new family

As thay got closer to the main castle he saw rows and rows of colors full and beautiful flowers but none where tulips so he lost interest in them fast

Soon the 'car' came to a stop at a beautiful and big building

Apollo was stook for a bit but slowly accepted it this place was a 100x bigger and nicer than his small two story home but it was fine he didn't care

Luis first got out of the 'car' and stood at the 'car entrance' and Apollo followed him but instead of getting out of the 'car' he helded out his arms towards the butler and the butler just gave a helpless smile and lifted the child up

Apollo's small slightly chubby hands hugged the man's neck and his legs made its way at the butlers hip He then rested his cheek on the man's shoulders

"Ready now your highness?"

Apollo shoked his head and with that thay started to walk towards the castle

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