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// heyo, alyssa here. im listening to mr. brightside by the killers and its currently 3am and i just recovered from a major migraine and reddit is down. i dont think im sleeping tonight so might as well start this thing. im joshler trash. stop judging me. //


Tyler Joseph was a very observant guy. He prided himself in the ability to analyze other people and actually guess sort of correctly on what went down in their minds. Of course he wasn't always right, he wasn't a psychic and some people just have had years of experience hiding things in the dark depths of their personalities, not allowing people outside of their walls to have a peek. But most were easy to read.

Josh Dun definitely was not one of those complex, hard to read people.

Tyler knew his best friend inside and out. They've done everything together for the past handful of years. Starting with them making horrible music in Tyler's basement that they loved despite how painful it actually was, and now they're performing in front of thousands of people.

There's only a single thing that Tyler Joseph doesn't understand about his soul-bro, and he accepted that he'll never figure out that one mystery years ago.

Tyler has no clue on whats going through Josh's mind when the drummer assumes that Tyler doesn't know he's a flaming homosexual.

Josh makes it extremely obvious that he is both gay and has a large crush on Tyler.

And today was the day that Tyler was going to change everything.

Tyler leaned in the archway between the kitchen and the living room, looking where Josh sat, watching a wedding dress show on some television channel designed for stay at home moms.

This was a sight that Tyler has seen time upon time. Josh was a big fan of these types of shows. Most of their DVR was filled with programs of the same concept. Female needs makeover and/or clothing. Female gets makeover and/or clothing. Female tells sad story about why she needs this. Show ends on a happy note.

Right on cue, the current girl on the screen started a story about her never being very confident and how she grew up as a hermit.

Tyler holds back a giggle when he starts to hear the sniffles from Josh. The waterworks are starting.

At this point, two things were running through Tyler's mind.

Josh Dun was a flaming homosexual.

And Tyler Joseph really felt the urge to mess with his best friend.

Tyler waited for the show to end before he cleared his throat, walking into the room as if he hasn't been watching Josh from the kitchen for the past ten minutes.

"Hey man." He said casually, sitting down on the couch, a little bit too close to the drummer for it to be considered normal. He was going to have fun with this.

"Oh! Hey Ty." Josh jumped slightly when Tyler cleared his throat, quickly changing the channel to ESPN. "You're finally awake."

Tyler nodded slowly, trying not to crack a smile at how fast Josh reacted. "I've been up for a while actually, I was writing in my dream journal. For some reason I remember my dream last night super vividly." He said casually.

"That means the journals working, dude! What was the dream about?" Josh said with a small grin, looking over at Tyler curiously.

"It's pretty weird, just warning you ahead of time. But we're both straight and all so I guess its fine to say.." Tyler says, faking hesitation. He smirked when he saw Josh's eyes widen slightly, deciding to go on despite not getting a verbal response.

"It was just about both of us on stage in front of the biggest group of people we've ever performed for, and we kinda just kissed each other. It wasn't even predetermined that we were dating or anything, we just got caught up in everything, y'know?" Tyler said with shrug.

When he looked over at Josh again, he had to cover his smile with his fist. The pink haired man looked extremely uncomfortable, and it was the best thing ever.

"Y-Yeah. Weird." Josh hummed after a few seconds, avoiding Tyler's eyes. "It's not like that'd ever happen." Josh said to reinforce his point, clearing his throat to make his voice a tiny bit deeper.

Tyler just nodded and fell quiet, slowly slumping down on the couch to where he was leaning on Josh but still facing forwards. "Of course it wouldn't happen. Even if it was any other guy instead of me, you wouldn't voluntarily kiss them. You're straight." Tyler continued, turning his head so he was directing his words towards Josh's neck, exhaling slightly onto the mans skin, making the drummer shiver.

"Y-Yeah." Josh muttered, running a hand through his pink hair. "Y'know you're a little close, Tyler." He points out after a moment, getting even more nervous after every second.

"I'm just tired man. It's not a problem is it? I mean, you're straight and all." Tyler pushed, slowly moving his face closer to Josh's neck.

"Of course not. We're just two b-bro's. It doesn't matter that your lips are extremely close to my skin. If I was gay I would be super nervous right now, but, I'm definitely not."

Tyler laughed softly. "Right. Totally. Hypothetically, if you were gay, what would you be thinking about right now?" He hummed, not moving once his lips were just centimeters away from Josh's skin.

Josh swallowed thickly, not daring to move. "Hypothetically, I'd be thinking about how much I would want you to kiss my neck." He said quietly, squeezing his eyes shut. When he realized that Tyler wasnt going to respond, he spoke up again. "Hey Ty?"

"Yeah Josh?"

"How long have you known that I'm..."

"A while after we met I saw you checking out guys. I knew for sure though when you were talking in your sleep during an.. interesting dream." Tyler said, his lips curling into a wide grin.

"Alright then." Josh sighed. "Oh, also, Ty?"


"Feel free to.. Y'know."

Tyler responded by closing the small space between his lips and the dip under Josh's jaw, nipping slightly before softly kissing down the drummers jawline.

Josh turned his body towards Tyler, resting his hands on the singers sides, inhaling sharply through his nose when Tyler suddenly pressed his lips to Josh's. It took him a second to register what was happening before he started kissing back, pulling away after a moment to allow both of them to breathe properly.

Tyler grinned after a few seconds, running a hand through Josh's hair. "Be my boyfriend?" He asked, looking into the others eyes.

"Yes, I will be you're boyfr-"

Josh didn't even get the chance to get the whole sentence out before his lips were occupied with Tyler's.

Tyler Joseph now had two different things on his mind.

Tyler Joseph was also a flaming homosexual

And Josh Dun was a really, really good kisser.


// apologies for the bad writing. //

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