knøck knøck

774 69 83

// im literally trash k bye //

Tyler jumped when his reminder on his phone sounded, a large buzzing sound filling his bedroom. He groaned as he turned away from his leather bound notebook, remembering exactly what the reminder was for. Crap. Craaaap.

He shut off the alarm without even glancing at what the words said, standing up from his desk. He winced at the large creak coming from the ancient chair beneath him. He really needed to get a new one.

Stretching his arms over his head, he moved over to the full body mirror he kept in his room, looking at himself and taking a deep breath.

"You can do this Tyler. Josh is your best friend. It's not like he'll ignore you forever or anything. Josh is a good guy. Common Tyler, you can do it. He wont even care that you're g-" Tyler squeaked when he saw his bedroom door open, cutting himself off.

"Josh wont mind that you're what?" The red haired boy said as he stepped into Tyler's room, voice practically oozing with curiosity.

"U-Uhh.. Umm.." Tyler said, eyes going wide. He wanted to scold Josh for not knocking, but he couldn't articulate anything but 'uhh' and 'umm'

He was a pathetic excuse for a human. Wow.

Josh just raised an eyebrow and held back a laugh for Tyler's sake.

"I mean.. Well.. I.. Uh.." Tyler said, slowly regaining his ability to speak. He awkwardly cleared his throat, smoothing out his shirt. "I have something to tell you." He said, trying to fake confidence. His voice betrayed him though, cracking at the end of his sentence. Ugh.

"What is it, Ty?" Josh said, taking a step towards the others bed, sitting down at the edge. The drummer looked up at Tyler expectantly.

"I.. uh.. I'm..." He started, running his hand through his hair. "Have you.. Uh.. Seen my sweater in your closet? Because I mean.. I haven't seen myself in there recently."

"What? What sweater? I haven't se-"

Tyler cuts him off again. "You know whats a major pain in the ass? Sex. Sex is." He said, staring Josh right in the eye. How could he not get it.

Josh just looked at him even more confused. "Thats great and all buddy but how does that have anything to do with what you needed to te-"

"Hey Josh. Knock knock." Tyler said, sitting down next to his best friend, turning to look at him.

Josh just sighed. "Who's there."


Josh rolled his eyes before continuing. "Tyler w-"

Tyler once again cut him off. "Is gay!" He said, grabbing the sleeve of Josh's shirt.

"Wh- Oh. Oh! Oh my gosh!" Josh stood up, staring down at him with wide eyes. "Tyler! That's.. Wow. Okay. Uh. Okay." Josh said, obviously in shock.

Tyler sighed and stood up as well, scratching his head. "Yeah."

"Well. I mean. I guess nows a good time to say this. Guess who has red hair and is also very much gay... Me!" Josh said with a grin.

Tyler just laughed and hugged his best friend, inhaling his scent.

"Bro did you just smell me?" Josh said laughing, pulling away from the hug.

"Yeah, I did. Do you want to go out on a date sometime?"

"I'd be offended if you didn't ask." Josh grinned.

Tyler was unable to contain his huge smile. That went well.

// this is short and dumb and very self indulgent im so sorry //

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