Ch 1: The Club

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Present Time:

"Boss!" The sound of someone calling my name wakes me up. "Shit! ¿Están bien?!" 

(Translation: "are you guys ok?")

"Si no to preocupes, ya pusimos las etiquetas, todo está listo." Ruby says.

(Translation: "yes don't worry, we put the tags, everything is ready.")

"Shit, me asustas. Okay. Vámonos." I say standing up. I walk over to the stage and grab the mic. I give the DJ a flash drive with the songs and tell him to play it. Once the crowd gets settled the beginning of the song starts playing. At this point it's just muscle memory. while i dance and sing, my crew makes sure none of our targets are hiding and will start taking them out. I'm lookig around the crowd and spot a pair of brown eyes that seem awfully familiar. too familiar. I blink and theyre gone. Weird. I dont even notice that the song ended until the crowd starts cheering. I walk away when the cheering dies down then something pins me against the wall. I gasp and see the pair of blue eyes that haunted me for 2 years. The eyes of my ex are staring right at me.

"What do you want asshole?" I say

"i want you of course" he slurs. He is drunk as fuck...

"I've told you many times and I'll tell you again. I dont fucking want you anymore."

"C'mon you're just angry" He leans in "i know you still want me" he whispers in my ear. His hot breath skimming across my face makes me want to throw up. Then i feel his hand slide up my thighs. This asshole! and thats when i lose it. But when i try to push him away he put a knife up to my throat.

"Dont try anything stupid or else." he says.

I look around but the majority of the crowd and the DJ are gone. Those that are still there are too focused on their partners or are too drunk to notice. I try looking for my team but i cant see anyone. My ex pushes us to a dark corner that somewhat hides us from everyone else. Then a shot rings out. Everyone is screaming and his head swerves to the source of the sound. I take the opportunity to take his knife away and stab him. His screams of agony fill the air, but are quieted down by everyone elses screams. Thankfully no one was able to see what had happened. I quickly run to the restroom to clean up. Once i enter the restroom i wash my hands, change my clothes, and put on my mask so no one can identify me. Even if someone saw me and were to tell the police, they wouldnt be able to find me because of the makeup. When i walk out i immediately start tracking the people with the tracking devices on them. Everytime i spot them i shoot them. I make sure to shoot different people but only to hurt them. Only the targets get killed. During the chaos i end up getting cut by a fucking bottle of tequila of all things. I go to the nearest bathroom to hide, they were all locked so no one should be in here. I take off my mask and look at my wound. Im sweating so much i decide to take my makeup off. I dry my face and thats when i hear someone.

"Cel? Is that you?"

That voice. Its too familiar. It cant be.  I turn around and there she is, Stella is staring at me in horror.

"Stel?" I walk towards her but she steps back. Then i realise that I'm still covered in my ex's blood.

"Cel. w-why are you covered in blood?" She looks at me terrified like if i killed her best friend. I guess I did.

"I-." I tell her "why?!" she asks "I can explain. I just need to take care of everything and then we can talk." She walks towards me and for a moment i catch a glimpse of fear in her eyes

funny. You were the one who was always scared of her. Shut up

"no. Explain now. I am not going to wait for you." I sigh and tell her to sit on the sink. "ok well. shit, things have really changed since i last saw you." i chuckle. "Well as you saw, i kill people. I'm an assassin" stella chuckles "yeah no shit. But explain to me why." I sigh Where do i start? How about- No "well you may not believe me but, they are not good people." I look at her and wait a beat. "I dont kill innocent people. I only kill the guilty. The r@pists, ped0files, s3x tr@ffickers, etcetera." I sigh, "and i dont work alone. i built a team of women who help me look for them. we do background checks on every victim and make sure they are actually responsible. We actually have access to more information than the police." She looks at me confused "wait-if you have more information than the police, why dont you give that to the police so they can take care of it?"

I laugh "Trust me I've tried, but they dont put it to good use. We on the other hand do, even if its not the most humane. Once we identify our victims we make sure they all go to the same club so we can kill them."

"why dont you just kill them one-by-one?" she asks. "We do that but not as much because if we were to kill them one-by-one then it would be obvious that it was on purpose, but if they are killed at one place, it'll seem like a 'wrong place, wrong time' sorta thing." We stare at each other in silence. Then my phone goes off. I turn away and answer. "¿Que pasó?"

(Translation: "What happened?")

"Boss ¿donde estas? estas bien?" Its Rose. shit my ear-piece must have fallen off "Si no te preocupes mi auricular se me cayó. Me corte pero estoy bien. Estoy en el baño." I can hear Rose sigh of relief "Está bien, ya acabamos pero llamaron a la policía, tenemos que irnos." I groan "Gracias por dejar me saber" I hang up and turn toward Stella "ok stel I'm going to give you options." Stella stares at me confused, "is everything ok? What were you saying?"

(Translation: "Boss where are you? are you ok?"  "Yes don't worry my earpiece fell off. I got cut but i'm fine. Im in the bathroom."    "ok, we finished the mission but they called the police, we need to go"  "Thank you for letting me know.")

"yes everything is fine but the cops were called, you can either come with me so you wont get caught or you can stay here but i'll have to erase your memory" stella looks at me shocked, "erase-erase my memory?! what do you mean?"

"I cant risk you telling the cops anything. It'd be best especially if you dont want to see or remember me again." stella looks at me, thinking about her options. "fine i'll go with you but you'll have to tell me more." I sigh, relived, "ok lets run my team is waiting outside." I stop her "Wait. put this on," I hand her a mask "so no one can see you." she nods. We run outside and doge the running people and the people on the floor. Once we're outside i hand her a helmet and help her on my bike. Then we hear sirens in the distance.

"Shit! Boss ¡nos tenemos que ir!"

(Translation: "We need to go!")

"damn it! stel hold on we're gonna break a bunch of laws on our way."

laughing, stella says "didnt you already break a bunch of laws?"

i chuckle "i'd be surprised if you're not a comedian."

"ha ha very funn-" Stella's answer is cut off by a scream when i speed off behind the rest of my team.


Hi there my little readers!!

How are you guys doing? I hope you enjoyed this one

This went a bit quickly ik but i got excited

I hope yall have read the TW. i put it at the end for a reason

i will add spicy stuff if you guys want me to but it'll probably suck because it'll feel like an invasion of privacy. Imagine someone making you do those activities... IMAGINE IF WE ARE ALL CHARACTERS OF A BOOK!

QUESTION: If your life was a book. what book would you want it to be?

I love yall!! <3

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