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Wednesday June 03, 12:30 am

" fuck !" Steffon moaned as he slid his dick inside Kylie , causing her to gasp loudly the way it had went in , the feeling and the size which surprised her even more . Steffon began to stroke while looking deep into her beautiful glistening brown eyes .

" you're so big " she whispers , tears would trickle down from her eyes , whilst pushing her tummy on his tummy .

" oh my gosh , oh my gosh , oh my- g- g- g- g- aughhhhhhhhhh " Kylie releases another pretty moan as he removed her hands, grabbing her arms before pinning them over her head .

" you love this dick baby girl ?" He seductively whispered in her ear , Kylie lifting her head up with her mouth wide open releasing each moan every second .

" aughhh fuck yes- y- y- y- yes Stef. Awww shit" she exclaims while he would bite down on his lip . He continues , " tell me how much you fucking love it " commanding her , he slams in and out of her wetness real rough .

Her pearls would drip all over the silky satin gold sheets at this point . " I love it so muchhhhh " she replies as she lifts her small head staring up at him while he looked down at her , giving her that deep stare .


Kylie woke up from her dream, becoming irritated realizing it was a dream . She took a trip to the living room seeing no prescience of Steffon until she came across a note in the kitchen ,

" had to go to practice ! I'll be back baby girl ! Love you Kyky " - Steffon < 3

She began blushing once again before hearing up the stove to boil egg , attempting to cook scrambled eggs with pancakes and whip cream with strawberries & bananas on top .

She sat down once all of that was done , with stove being cleaned up from some of the egg falling on them .

Kylie felt a vibration from her phone , she had seen a text from an unknown phone number finding out it was Karmyn who wanted to give an update on her and Julian for an odd reason.

" you're so annoying " she uttered as she replied those exact words to her , then blocks her . She took a small trip from the kitchen to the living room to watch some tv .


" alright good job boys ! " steffon sat on the bleachers wiping the sweat off of his face after running in the field as a wide receiver .

" damn , so what happened with Yasmine and who's that new girl ? She look British not gonna lie "steffon chuckled a bit .

" I don't talk about Yasmine anymore , matter fact I don't even say her anymore ! And Kylie that's her name , I think she is British I don't know but she's a very nice girl ! So beautiful man ! " Steffon couldn't take his eyes off of Kylie each time .

" speaking of the devil , man what do you want Yasmine ? You keep chasing me around for what? I don't want you anymore ! " Steffon was already irritated , his irritation level went up once he had seen Yasmine creeping in like a weirdo .

" oh come on Steffon , I miss you ! I seen you and Kylie now ... this can't be happening really ! You met her like three seconds ago-"

" no it was more than three seconds ago !! Now if you'd excuse me , the coach calling me and Jordan "  Yasmine folds her arms with vexation realizing she needed to give it up , to get over it .

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