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" thank you for shopping at Victoria's Secret have a great day !" Kylie shook her head responding back as she grabbed two bags full of body wash , jackets , and a backpack .

" thank you " she looked down at the receipt before bawling it up accidentally bumping into a familiar person ....

" omg uh Stefon uh hey ! How's life going uh don't mind me just grabbed something " she chuckled a little bit , " you good just came to buy a few things also , how's it going with and Shane ?"

" lol Shaun and it's going great , went to see his family uh once again turned out prety great honestly ... um well it's nice to uh see you again " Stefon began to watch Kylie as she walked away from Victoria's Secret .

Soon he would get flashbacks of him and her together , knowing she was by his side whenever he was down and whenever she was down . He really missed her but there was nothing he can do, he didn't want to be a homewrecker or like get in the way .

" uh hey can I get the uh sundae please with M&M's and cherry on top , thank you " he looks up at the menu as the cashier typed in the things he wanted to get , " okay uh so the sundae with M&M and Hcery on top okay that will be $11.85 " stefon handed the cashier the required money before sitting down .

" ah thank you very much " he responded grabbing the sundae carefully taking it home making sure it won't melt on the way back .

Kylie arrived back home safely placing down bags of Victoria's Secret on the couch in the living room then suddenly she wanted to make some lunch for herself and Shaun , specifically some tomato salad which she really loves .

" mmmmm mmm " she hums to a song as her eyes were aiming her hands being careful with the cutting down the tomatoes prior to placing them in the blue bowl that was washed already .

She then inserted salad into the bowl , ranch before mixing them up , " that's how it should be looking like .... Oh wait ... SHAUN I made some tomato salad I want you to taste some " two plates of the salad were sitting on the table , one waiting for Shaun to pop out from downstairs .

" oh what is this- oh tomato salad ooh this looks good mm .... You should open up a restaurant kyky ! " Kylie was adored by his happy , praise worthy compliments and the thing was she did want to open one up but she didn't know which name it would be , and there were other things to go through such as inspecting and much more .

" im full im gonna go and shower I'll be back baby mwah " kylie was finally finished with her salad , throwing the plates into the sink to give them a deep clean .

She goes back upstairs to their room watching a movie that was playing on tv stranding on the tv table stand .

Suddenly she started feeling sick out of nowhere , opening the restroom door to barf , Shaun opens the curtains seeing Kylie in front of the toilet kneeling down with both legs .

" omg Ky are you okay? Hold on " Shaun grabbed her hair as she continued barfing until she was eventually done . She laid against the wall crying , " you know I've been feeling weird for the past few days but I and thought it wasn't a big deal type " she replies to Shaun looking up at his worried face .

The first thing they had thought of was to grab a pregnancy test , they arrived back home before Kylie could try it out . In the end , it had resulted in two lines appearing which meant she was indeed pregnant .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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